Chapter 17

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"Hey, Skeppy! Thanks for meeting me here," The french boy called over, patting the bench seat next to him as to offer the other a seat.

"No problem, dude," Skeppy beamed brightly, his chestnut eyes smiling at Vincent excitedly, "So what are we doing today?"

Vincent frowned, did he really want to do this? Yes, he needed to relieve himself of the stress, it was mentally painful.

"I just wanted to talk, you know?" Vincent mumbled, his breath mixing with the cold air and forming a small cloud of fog.

"Oh! Okay then," Zak reassuringly smiled, sitting next to the slightly younger, "So what's up?"

"I- Well, it's about me and Clay," Vincent began before thinking of his next words, "He cheated on me."

Not even a split second after the words were uttered softly from his mouth, Zak had shouted in shock.

"Wait, what? Are you serious? I knew we couldn't trust that guy!"

"Hey Zak! Listen, don't interrupt. Anyways, he cheated on me and we had a small argument but I- He set up this really amazing gift and- and it hurts. I mean, I was expecting it to happen but I- Um, didn't expect him to apologise... Was- Was it me?"

"No! No of course not! What- No wait, I'm not the best at these things... What did he get you?"

Vincent smiled sadly before lifting up his head and moving his sweater neck to the side to show off a silver necklace, engraved into the metal heart at the bottom was the initials of them both, 'C V' and to be honest, it made Vincent's heart beat faster than ever before.

"Woah, that's... Actually really nice, he must really regret hurting you," Zak paused for a second before looking up to the cloudy sky, "So what do you plan to do about it?"

There was a soft silence as Vincent thought, ideas swirling in his head as well as the possible outcomes.

"I'm gonna help him fix things," Vincent claimed, looking at Zak to check if it was the right answer. Zak shook his head, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"You do you, bro," Zak spoke up, standing up and helping the other up, "You wanna head back to mine and play minecraft?"

"Heck yeah!"

So the two best friends walked back to the oldest's dorm room, messing and joking around along the way, often elbowing each other and bursting into giggles or laughing at the most random of things. This was nice.

As they entered the dorm, the familiar smell of lemon air spray drifted through the atmosphere and Vincent knew Zak had rushed the cleaning. Zak only ever used the lemon spray in emergency of a really bad smell, which made Vincent giggle. The older turned around in confusion at the french boy before shaking his head.

"Pc or Xbox?"

"Eh? Xbox I guess," Vincent mumbled, sitting on the boy's couch, "Do you have any food in?"

Zak thought for a second, "I might have some snacks in the cupboard, you go check and I'll go get the remotes from my room!"

Both boys moved to do their respective 'chores', Vincent finding a share bag of popcorn and some Coca-Cola whilst Zak grabbed the two remotes, setting up the game day, the two grinned at each other excitedly, it had been awhile since the two had time for just themselves.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Vincent spoke as his character backed away from Zak's- who had an iron sword and full iron armour whereas Vincent's only had a stone sword and iron boots. "Can we think about this for a second?"

Zak pretended to think, lifting a finger up to his chin as he narrowed his eyes at Vincent before he smiled menacingly and moved further, "How about no?"

As passerby's walked by the dorm, all they could hear was Vincent's screaming and Zak's maniacal laughter as he slaughtered the poor french boy's avatar.

"Wow Zak, no fair."

"Sure it was plenty fair, anyways, you wanna just watch a movie or something?" Zak spoke, taking a small sip of his soda, letting it fizz in his mouth before swallowing the froth.

"Sure, why not? Oh! Have you heard about that new game? F- Fortbite, was it? What do you think of it?" Vincent grinned, knowing Zak absolutely despised the game. Darryl had called Vincent a week ago, laughing at how much the other complained and ranted about the terrible game.

"Bro, no. It's so bad, like, why does it even exist?" Zak frowned, his eye brows furrowed as he shook his head, "Like who thought , let's make 100 people fight in an arena and call it a game!"

"Zak... You do know Minecraft can sometimes be like that?"

"Yes but people are always like, fortnite is going to be so cool, it's like minecraft mixed with call of duty," Zak mimicked a little kids voice easily as he used his hands to mess around with the hem of his hoodie.

"But it kind of is," Vincent chuckled, already noticing the boy's annoyance at the conversation, "I mean, I think it's a great idea."

"Really? Wow. You are weird if you think fortnite is cool," Zak pouted, crossing his arms, "Like why? Just why?"

"I don't know, I was just kidding," Vincent spoke up giggling, "What movie do you wanna watch?"

"I've not watched Twilight in ages," Zak beamed jokingly, "Nah, let's watch something good!"

"How about... B-Boss baby?" Vincent struggled slightly with the pronunciation, his accent making it difficult for Zak not to giggle at him.

"That's for little kids, Vince."

"I mean, you always act like a two year old so..."

They looked at each other for a second before bursting out with laughter.

"Just put something on, kid," Zak said, putting emphasis on the kid.

He loved days like these. So did Vincent.


"How did it go, Dream?" Darryl asked, stirring his coffee gently before picking it up and sitting down next to the green-eyed boy.

"I don't know... He kicked me out before he could look around so I'm not sure," Dream spoke awkwardly, "I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do about my stuff either. I mean, where am I supposed to stay, the school thinks I've already got accommodation but I don't and I'm really concerned."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You can stay here for awhile, at least until things get sorted," Darryl let out a reassuring smile, "I mean, you can take my bed if the couch is too uncomfortable for you?"

"No, no! I can sleep on the couch, thank you so much, Bad! Besides, I don't think Skeppy would appreciate having to sleep on the couch either," Clay chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, I wonder where that muffin went off to anyways," Darryl spoke before settling into his own train of thought, "Probably annoying someone."


The illustrator, The writer || Skephalo FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat