Chapter 7

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"A table for nine, please?" Darryl spoke almost shyly, he didn't really like new people and the excitement of the day was slowly wearing off as time passed.

The woman at the small desk nodded with a sincere smile as she led the nine tired but talkative boy's to a large table. It was actually two tables that had been pushed together but the boys didn't care for the details, just for the food. On one side of the table sat Zak, Darryl, Callahan, Mega and Spifey, and on the other side of the table sat, Vincent Dream, Jack and Dave. The bid all split off into their separate conversations as they looked through the menu.

"Zak, what are you thinking of ordering?"

"It's Pizza Hut."

"So pizza? I'm gonna get the macaroni and cheese, what pizza are you gonna get though?"

"Hm... Just a plain pepperoni, I guess... I don't know I'm not that hungry..."

"You want chips or something then?"

"Yep, can I just have water by the way, babe?" Zak mumbles looking into the others vibrant green eyes.

The taller boy nodded with a tired yet happy grin before figuring out which drink he wanted, "Hey, has everyone else decided what to get? The waitress is coming back."

Zak looked expectantly at Spifey who simply shrugged and continued his conversation with Jack and Dave. He let out a sigh and turned to Darryl sending him a short shake of a head.

Just as expected, the waitress did come back and half the table was too tired to talk or too hyper to understand, which made the waitress' job a whole lot harder. Darryl groaned before motioning for everyone to be quiet so he could organise everything.

"Alright, we'll have two waters, a side of chips and a mac n cheese... Techno?"

Dave blinked curiously before shaking a thought out of his head and repeating his order to the waitress, who nodded and was extremely patient for the large group. One by one, each of the remaining six people explained their order to the waitress, Jack throwing in a quick flirt at the pretty lady as she walked away.

"Ooo, la la~," George grinned teasingly at the blushing teenager, laughing as the other groaned and hid his red face. It didn't go unnoticed that he got her name, 'Becky' and her number.

Darryl let out a sigh of relief as they made it back to the campus of the school, Zak already sleeping whilst Vincent was now fully awake after his meal and Dream was staring off at the sky. Mega just sat on in this daze, almost like he was plotting something but BadBoyHalo took no notice of the youngest, he was probably just tired or something.

Darryl smiled as he looked at Zak, his face was extremely cute when he was asleep. Eyelashes shut peacefully, gently and his lips parted just enough to breathe but not enough to dribble everywhere and his hands curled to his chest made him look like a little baby, which Darryl thought made the other look even cuter, even letting out a silent squeal as he took a picture.

Vincent chuckled at his friends behaviour. Vincent was glad that this was the boy Zak was dating compared to his last boyfriend, Technoblade. Techno was an alright friend but he was a trashy boyfriend. Despite what people think his height didn't make him a good cuddle partner but instead held lots of alcohol whilst he laughed at your drunken state and your poor best french friend had to come pick you up. It made him happy that Zak was finally living a good life... but it also made him jealous, a pang of envy and guilt hitting his heart as he watched Clay's calm face, tired green eyes observing the night stars and wonders as his soft lips let out a small breath of air. Why was Dream so attractive? He let out a small huff, gaining Clay's attention which made Vincent turn away in a slight haze of embarrassment.

'Fuck,' the french boy thought as he got out of the car.

"Will you guys be safe getting to your dorm?" Darryl mustered out through his squeals of adorableness.

"Yeah, we should be asking you that," Clay grinned lazily, wrapping an arm around a6d's shoulders and guiding the other to the tall building, "You know where we are if you need help."

Darryl nodded, watching as the two walked off before turning back to the car. He noticed that Mega was just getting out the car and spoke up quietly.

"Will you be alright getting back home?"

There was no reply from the other as he walked calmly towards Darryl. His body radiating nothing but an overwhelming sense of mystery and confidence. Darryl felt himself get pulled down before a pair of lips hit his and then the younger was gone. Darryl's hands hit his lips as soon as the other's touch had disappeared and he back away out of guilt.

He turned back to the car to check on Zak and fortunately the other was still fast asleep. He let out a sigh of relief before shutting all the other car doors and scooping Zak into his arms and cuddling him against his chest as he locked the door and walked to his dorm carefully.

He lay Zak gently on the bed before realising the other would want to clean up before properly sleeping, he let out a small sigh, waking the younger up with a few kisses on the cheeks.

"Hey baby, you should brush your teeth and get changed so we can go back to bed."

He felt the other nod and watched dreamily as he sat up with a small, happy smile.

"Yeah, I probably reek, huh?" Zak answered back, turning to face the older with his half-lidded eyes. He observed Darryl's trembling fingers and motioned the other to come closer to him, which triggered Darryl's anxieties as he sat down next to the younger, "Why are you so nervous, Darry?"

There was a short moment of silence before Darryl finally worked up the courage to speak up, not really knowing how the other would act upon this knowledge.

"Um, Mega... Mega kissed me."

"Oh... Oh! Did you kiss back?" Zak was confused for a second, did he say kissed? Before realisation hit him and he burrowed his questions into Darryl's head, "Did he force himself onto you? Did you push away? Are you gonna leave me? Are you gonna date Mega? Are you into polyamory relationships because I don't want you to leave, and I really don't want to share you but if that means keeping you I'll do i-"

Zak was cut off by the other kissing him passionately before speaking, "Babe! One question at a time!"

Zak giggled before repeating one question after the other but slower this time so that the older could understand.

"One, I didn't kiss back. Two, he kinda did force himself on me... three, I didn't push back... but in my defence, it caught me by surprise and it'd already finished by the time I'd realised! Finally I'm not gonna leave you ever so don't put those stupid fantasies in your head, muffintop."

"That makes a lot more sense now... I have to confess too, Mega spiked my drink when we were bowling, I don't know what he put in it but it wasn't enough to make me severely tipsy or drunk."

"Oh, So that's why you were being slightly withdrawn yet needy. That also explains the water, good job and being smart for once."

Zak giggled as Darryl kissed his forehead before standing up and moving to the drawers, before Zak retorted something like, 'What do you mean for once?' Or 'I'm always smart!'.

"Now hurry up and get ready so we can snuggle in bed."

Zak was content with this.

This was how his life was supposed to be, happy.

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