Chapter 1

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It was the new school term, Darryl had his exams to finish before he finally could move out to University and Zak had a whole year to finish before he could even think about his exams. Zak sighed as he lay on Darryl's bed, crumpling the sheets as he curled in on himself, hiding his face in the others pillow as he whined.

"Zak, what's wrong? You only do the curly up thing when you're thinking bad things," Darryl spoke softly turning around to face the younger and moving to hover over him. The brunette was just studying for his finals in Music, he needed to learn all the technical terms for different composition techniques as well as revise all the different careers that link to the subject.

"Darry, I want attention and hugs."

"Well, let me just save my progress so far and then we can go put on a movie or something, is that good enough for you, babe?"

Zak sat up quickly, looking up at Darryl before nodding softly, wiping his eyes to get rid of the small tears forming there.

"Now why is it such a bother to you, you're never this clingy! What're you thinking about?" Darryl questioned sitting back down saving his work quickly before moving to sit next to the younger. The raven-haired boy snuggled into the others side, Darryl sighed smiling gently, rubbing the others back as a way to reassure and comfort him.

"Well, once you finish school and go to university, you'll move far away from here, and from me, will you- Will you forget about me?"

Darryl paused, thinking for a second, what Zak said was mostly true but he had never really thought about it before. Darryl began to sweat nervously, his stomach churning and his mind searching for an answer, "Okay, Zak. One I could never, ever, and I mean ever, forget about you, baby! Two, I'm not sure what we'll do, but maybe I can find a university close by, the nearest one is an hours walk which is only a half hour drive and heck, if we're really lucky, I can probably buy an apartment closer to you and just drive to the University, you know, maybe you could move in with me?"

"You think so?"

"Definitely, but it's best we don't worry right now, especially since it's Friday and we wanna make a group hang out for tomorrow, right?"

"You said snuggles..."

Darryl smirked pulling Zak onto his lap and standing up, holding the boy against him and Zak giggled at his own childishness, "Well, we can talk and cuddle, right?"

"Fine, But, I'm taking one of your muffins!"

Darryl hummed placing the other on the couch and attacking him with tickles, soft and making the other giggle furiously, "No you're not! You've already eaten two today, you're gonna get fat, you muffin!"

"Okay! Okay! Just st- stahp ticklin' meeeeehahahHaHAHhaaHaHAHA! Darryl just let me breathe!"

Darryl stopped, letting the other catch his breath as he kissed his forehead, "You know actually, I think we should invite Techno as well."

Zak paused his exaggerated breathing to get super excited, "I thought you said you didn't feel comfortable with him?"

Darryl frowned for a second before immediately smiling again, "Yeah well, I think, that I've come to terms with him and I think he'll make lots of friends on this trip, so it'll be worth it! Now, where should we go?"

Zak thought for a second, his finger against his chin tapping slightly as Darryl adjusted himself on the couch, "Camping?"

"No, too cold outside, it's almost Christmas, remember?"

"True, what about the fair that's on in town?"

"We'll probably be kicked out for having too big of a group."

"Fair enough, fine, fine. Let's go to the beach?"

"Zak... What do you not understand from, it's cold outside?"

"Well if you're so smart you do it!" Zak huffed, sliding away from Darryl to the other side of the couch as he pretended to be super upset, in reality he wanted Darryl to feel bad and initiate the hug with him.

Darryl sighed, slowly moving towards the younger and side-hugging him, "Look, how about a game or something?"

"Laser tag!"

Silence ensued as Darryl thought of Zak's suggestion. It was inside and warm, their was plenty of room for the whole gang, it was fun to play and everyone would have a nice time then they could get McDonald's or something after.

"Hm, seems good to me, muffintop."

"I know, I thought of it of course," Zak giggled as Darryl chuckled, kissing his cheek. "Who's coming anyways?"

"Well, for a definite there's Vincent, Clay, Spifey, Zelkam and Callahan. I've asked Mega, Clockyy and Jack, oh! I'm gonna go ask Technomuffin!" Darryl cut in, racing back to his room to get his phone. He grabbed the metal rectangle and ran back to the couch, swinging himself next to the younger and snuggling into him.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Zak asked softly, yawning lightly as he lay his head on Darryl's shoulder peacefully. Closing his eyes for a quick second to make them feel better from the drowsiness as he scrolled through Netflix.

"Oh! How about Kissing Booth?"

"Really? Kissing Booth? Okay then," Zak looked at the description before realising something, "Wait, actually isn't this the film based off the wattpad story, After?"

"There's a film based off a wattpad story?"

"Yeah! My sister read it, you know it began as a Harry Styles fanfiction?"

Darryl hummed in response, laying his chin on the others head, "That's actually pretty... cool?"

Zak chuckled at the others response as he bathed in the olders warmth and love, "Weren't you going to message Dave?"

Darryl nodded awkwardly, before fiddling with his phone and unlocking it. He let out a slow and steady sigh as he opened the messages app and found the phone number that only had one message to it. He thought for a second, not really knowing what to type to the popular baseball player.

"How do I ask?"

"Just ask him I guess."

"Okay then."

Darryl began typing the message and as soon as he got Zak to proofread it, he sent it away. After a few minutes into the movie, Technoblade replied, making Darryls phone ping. To Darryl's surprise though, it pinged three times.

'Notification Centre:
Technomuffin 23.37pm
Sure, would enjoy that lmao, who else coming?
DreamyDream 23:37pm
Hey! On Sunday, u, Zak. Me n a6d, double date???
+1 other message'

Darryl smiled as he replied back, tomorrow was gonna be a good day. In fact, this whole weekend was going to be amazing and fun!

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