Chapter 23

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The brunette boy woke up with a start, the person in the cell
next to him was going through another mental breakdown as Dave combed carefully through his own hair with his fingers. He was dragged from his cell and to a room, he couldn't read the sign properly on the way there since the struggle from the policed caused his glasses to fall from his face and crack, rendering him with slight blindness.

Dave sat down at a desk in front of a plastic screen, behind the screen was the man who got him into this mess. He frowned in anticipation not ready to hear what that man had to say.

"Hello Dave," his stern voice was loud as usual yet unbelievably scratchy as he began to speak, "How are you coping in there, son?"

"It's fine or whatever, I don't know what you expect, it's literally prison," Dave muttered, not really caring to give this man any proper respect.

"Ah I see, anyways you'll never guess who I found on my way over here," Dave's Father spoke almost as though he was excited and proud of his answer.

Dave paused not really caring to think much about it since his Dad would reply soon anyways plus he had a feeling he really didn't like he person his dad saw, "Who?"

"Daniel and he-"

"Stop. Stop it now, don't even speak about him right now. He's literally the reason why I'm in here, he killed that poor innocent girl and now I'm stuck here taking his punishment. Dad," Dave frowned, furrowing his eyebrows angrily, "I don't think you realise I'm going to die here. I don't think you understand that at any moment I could be dragged from the wooden bed and taken to my inevitable doom because of you and your stupid deals. You don't understand that I'll never experience graduation or love or proper adulthood, I'll never be able to have a family and I'll never be able to hang out properly with my friends because of you. It's my best friends big 18th birthday and I can't even wish him well- all because of you, I'm going to die."

Dave widened his eyes as he realised and stepped back slightly from the visor between him and his dad, "I'm going to die..."

"Alright that's enough," The police officer, Dave had grown far too much on- stepped in, pulling Dave away from the meeting room, of course there was a limit on speaking to family. Who knew what kind of plots and bails they'd plan to escape? They had some pretty crazy inmates over the years, "You don't want to end up like Psycho Bob, do you?"

Dave sauntered to his cell, sitting down on the white floor once more, "Thanks for escorting me, James."

The officer nodded in recognition before locking the door to the cell and leaving, not really knowing how to alleviate the situation. All he could do was wait for his orders.


It was the first Monday back to school, Zak's 'favourite' lesson, Math. They were learning about some complicated faction work which Zak had studied previously when he was panic studying for once- which is very rare for the raven-haired boy.

"Then you divide the denominator by the-" the teachers voice slowly drifted away as Zak zoned off into space, imagining life if he could teleport wherever he wanted, wouldn't that be cool? Oh! Imagine the cake he could have in five days or what he wanted to do for his birthday? 'I wonder what mom'll get me... probably some new trainers or something, not that I'm complaining'

He grinned at the thought of new trainers, he did need some actually, especially considering his old ones that he wore when practicing stamina were worn out a lot.

"Zak, your worksheets here," Darryl spoke up to the teen, snapping him from his thoughts- He was kinda curious as to what his boyfriend was thinking about.

"Oh right."

"What's gotten you so... distracted?" He asked under his breath as not to annoy the old, grouchy teacher too much.

"It's my 18th birthday soon, in 5 days actually," Zak mumbled, "I'm just wondering whether I want chocolate cake or something else."

Darryl chuckled at the boy's lack of attentiveness, "Right, well anyways, do you know how to do this?"

"Yeah, I could do this easy peasy."

Darryl nodded smiling happily at the younger, "Of course, you can."

"You make it sound like I'm dumb or something," Zak huffed, answering a few of the super easy questions before moving onto harder ones, "The question is can you do this?"

"You're an idiot sometimes," Darryl facepalmed not realising that a few people were watching their interactions together.

"Vincent, can you pass me the sharpener please?" A boy asked smiling at the french exchange student calmly, he had an accent. Vincent had never seen him around before? Was he new here? How did he know his name then?

"Oh uh sure," Vincent smiled back awkwardly as he handed the sharpener over to the brunette, ensuring his own pencil was sharp enough to continue his artist study.

"I'm George by the way, you're dating Dream, right?"

Vincent looked up at the boy in surprise, caught off guard by the mention of his former yet also current partner, "Kind of... not really, why?"

George looked Vincent up and down before giving him a reassuring smile, "No reason, i was just curious."

Vincent frowned as the brunette took a seat again, not wanting to confront him about his weird encounter but also becoming extremely curious with the British student.

'Does Clay know this kid?'

"Wait, George can you shut up for two seconds," A Texas accent entered the room as Vincent frowned, crossing his arms as he listened in to their conversations. "You were just talking to A6d, and you used his first name! You idiot!"

"What? Of course, Sappy Nappy, But I was curious about him, what's so wrong about using his first name anyways?"

Sapnap shook his head, a small bit of anger at the disgusting nickname entered his mind, "Whatever it's not that important, just don't cause any trouble for Dream, he'll be mad."

"Right, right- Don't ness with dream and his crush, got it," George mumbled catching eyes with Vincent and ending up in a staring competition, (in which Vincent won).

'Those two are weird,' Vincent frowned before turning away front the two, guess he'd just have to wait for what's in store.

Dream sat down at his lunch table waiting for the other two to arrive, of course George came first, immediately sitting next to the blonde to annoy him to no end.

"Hey Step-Dream~"

"W-What?" Clay flinched at the weird tone George used, before laughing- wheezing at the comment, "Hey George, Jesus please never say that again."

George laughed along, "Fine, Fine.  How was class?"

Dream looked at George with a weird look before speaking up with a bored tone, "Same as usual, boring and unfunny."

Sapnap finally arrived sitting down at the table, practically glaring holes into George.

"What's up with you, Sappitus Nappitus?" Dream asked curiously.

"This idiot, all lesson he kept kicking me under the desk because I wouldn't share my answers with him," He groaned as George laughed at him.

"Don't tell a story if you're not gonna say the full story- he attacked me first, he was vicious and violent and I'm practically traumatised."

"You're both idiots," Clay chuckled at the two, "Oh my god, there's Vince, act natural."

The brunette with glasses walked past with a stoic expression, slowly making his way to the lunch line. Dream let out a sigh of relief as he dropped his 'super natural and inconspicuous pose'.

"You are a loser," George and Sapnap spoke at the same time.

"You guys scare me."

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