Chapter 15

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Darryl smiled at the sight of his boyfriend entering the dorm, his cheeks red from the cold outside and his hair messy from rushing home.

"Hey babe, did you have a good day?" Darryl asked, walking over and taking the backpack off Zak much like a housewife would.

"Yeah! Me and Vincent went to this abandoned house on the old part of town, it was really cool," Zak giggled moving to the couch awkwardly and sitting down, "But um-"


"I think I did something really bad."

Darryl paused what he was doing to look over at the raven haired boy, he sighed and sat down next to him, "Zak, what did you do?"

"I- I kinda ate really old peanut butter..."

"Oh my goodness, Zak! You are stupid sometimes, you muffin. Do you feel ill? Do you need some medicine? Should we go to the doctors?" Darryl rushed out all at once, leaping to his feet from his previous spot on the couch.

"I feel okay, just got a little stomach pain, I guess."

Darryl shook his head and sighed, "Do you want something to eat then or do you just want to sleep like you usually do?"

"Sleep but I want cuddles tonight, last night was lonely and cold!"

"You're the one who chose to go to your own dorm for once!"

"Yeah but I felt bad for you."


"Uh, I'm tired let's go to bed!" Zak said as a turn from their previous similar conversation.

"Okay, Okay, go get changed I'm getting a drink of water."

The smaller Male quickly changed into a plain black T-shirt and some checkered blue pants as he clambered into bed, messily throwing the sheets on himself as he waited for Darryl. He didn't have to wait long as the brunette was already in his sleeping clothes and was tired from his day of talking to different publishers and reviewers. Zak smiled at Darryl brightly as the older jumped into bed next to the younger.

"So how did your day go, Babe?" Zak asked curiously as he cuddled into Darryl in the darkness. He waited for an answer, listening to the others soft, beating chest.

"It was tiring, the," Darryl yawned in between his sentence and wrapped an arm around Zak, "Reviewers want the pictures within the next week, you think you can do it?"

Darryl felt Zak shift to look at his face before speaking quietly as not to disturb the calm and quiet, "Yeah, this is really exciting, Darryl."

"I'm glad I get to do this with you, Zak."

"You too."


Zak woke up first for once, his hazel eyes observing the oldest peaceful face, eye lids gently shut, hiding away the gorgeous, vibrant emerald eyes and his peach lips open slightly as a few soft snores left them. Zak sat there and appreciated the tranquility of early morning, picking up his phone and taking a quick picture of Darryl before sneaking out of bed. He changed into a casual outfit before heading to the kitchen for something to eat. He wasn't too hungry so he made half a piece of toast and a hot chocolate. Zak sat down on the couch watching YouTube as he sipped on his hot chocolate and nibbled his toast. He could get used to this everyday... then again, he ask couldn't wait for summer. He grinned to himself thinking about the beach he could take Darry to. The raven-haired boy soon finished his drink and washed his cup out, placing it on the draining board to dry as he moved to the bedroom, noticing one or two unfinished drawings for Darryl's book. He carefully picked them up and gently grabbed his colouring equipment as not to wake Darryl up and sat down at the kitchen table quietly. Leaning into his sheets of paper as he coloured.

One last box of colour and... done! Zak jumped out of his hair excitedly, he'd finished the drawings and now Darryl's book would finally get published! The teenager was so excited. He left the drawings next to Darryl's writing drafts and climbed back into bed, despite it now being 10am before pushing himself up and sprinting to the bathroom, hoisting up the toilet seat and puking up the toast and hot chocolate from before.

"Ugh, bad idea eating the peanut butter..."

Darryl shook his head as he leaned against the doorway, "Yeah it was."

Zak jumped out of his skin as he realised it was just Darryl, "Fuck Darryl, don't scare me like that."

Darryl chuckled, rubbing he younger's back as he leaned against the toilet.

"You feeling ok?"

"Uh huh, just like Eugh!'

"Serves you right, Skeppy."

The illustrator, The writer || Skephalo FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat