Chapter 12

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As they reached the restaurant the place was packed, the wait was long and Zak was anxious, the loud noises hurt his ears and his feet were starting to hurt from standing up waiting for so long. His hand gripped tightly onto Darryl's as he waited for the table, it was around a ten minute wait for table and thirty minute wait for food. Darryl noticed Zak's uneasiness and gave the cute boy a soft reassuring smile and a quick kiss on the cheek, which somewhat calmed the others nerves as he stood anxiously next to the older. Zaks body was especially week considering he hadn't eaten for the past two days and the boy looked as if he could pass out any minute. As soon as he possibly could, Darryl sat Zak down at the table quickly making sure he was okay and wasn't sick. He felt his forehead for his temperature which was slightly cold and made sure that his trembling had minimised. There was a deep anxiety in his chest, a massive question, a dark and unwanted thought gnawing at his brain and capturing his appetite in a twist.

"Hey Zak, everything ok? You don't look to good, baby."

"Yeah- Yeah I'm fine, let's just order, okay, Darry?"

Darryl's heart fluttered at the nickname like he always did, he loved it when Zak called him nice things, "Alright then, I think I might get some cheesy garlic bread for starters, do you want some? They come in a bowl of four so I figure we might as well."

Zak nodded, smiling shyly at the other as he picked up the menu, trying to hide the deepening pit in his stomach "Can I have the classic mac n cheese?"

"Sure! I think I might get a margarita pizza with mushroom, ham and pepperoni."

"Mushroom is bad."

"Hey!" Darryl burst out before turning into a state of laughter. Zak joined in and giggled as he felt his anxieties drain a little, just by being with Darryl made him feel so much better.

"Should we get refillable drinks?" Zak mumbled, hiding his mouth in his hoodie sleeve as Darryl looked at him with the large, beautiful green orbs.

"Sure! Do you want dessert here or?"

"We'll see once we get to it," Zak spoke confidently before pausing, "Hey Darryl?"

"Yeah, muffin?"

"Why- God, this is stupid, why did you wait two days before coming to get me?"


"You said you were helping your parents, right? But that should only take one day..."

"Yeah, I- I spoke to the principal and she told me to leave you alone and that you were figuring yourself out and I just- I figured you needed sometime to think but then I felt so horrible and alone without you. Now that I think about it, Zak, I need to apologise Vincent for torturing him."

"Torturing?" Zak questioned in amusement, grinning to himself as all feelings of anxiety from before dissipating into bliss and excitement.

"Yeah! I kept threatening with muffins... Now that I think about it though, he didn't seem to bother with me that much," Darryl huffed, pouring at his failed attempt. Zak giggled as he 'booped' Darryl's nose and leaned on his other hand.

"Oh look! The waiters coming."

The waiter quickly took their order and told them where the refillable drink station was before walking away to deliver their order to the kitchen. Darryl pulled out his phone to show Zak a picture, he held the phone out to the younger, grinning at him excitedly.

"Is that...?"

"Yep! Aren't they cute together?"

"Yeah, they suit each other. Despite his flirt-like personality he really goes well
with him."

"Agreed, you wanna go get drinks?"

"You go, I'll keep the seats warm."

"Also known as being lazy," Darryl hummed as he stood up, "What do you want?"

"Anything," Zak smiles as he pulled out his phone to text one of the members of the adorable couple.

"You always say that and then you complain about what I get you though," Darryl sighed, placing his phone in front of Zak.

"Well I won't this time, love you," Zak mumbles looking up at the brunette.

"Love you too."


The boy's finished their meals happily, chattering to each other excitedly about whatever came into their heads. Soon the sky turned dark and the snow fell softly from the air of navy blue as the sun disappeared into the horizon and the two boys paid for their meals, which added to around 30 dollars, and heading outside to walk around before heading home.


"Yeah, Zak?"

"Isn't it funny how we only met because I was a stupid drunk?"


"No... I'm glad Dave forced me to drink, I found you. I fixed my friendship with Vincent and I explained to Dave how I really felt and none of this would've happened if Dave wasn't such a prick."

"I- Yeah you're right, we'll have to thank him somehow," Darryl smiled up at the sky, watching the snow fall gently onto the ground as they walked together.

"Oh! By the way, what are we doing for Christmas?"


"Well it's a week away so I figured we might as well spend it together?"

"Oh, right," Darryl hums in reply before speaking up, "Sounds like a plan!"

Zak nods excitedly, twiddling with Darryl's fingers within his own as they walked along the sidewalk towards their campus. Darryl's hand was warm in his own and made him feel special to be the one holding onto the other. He grinned at the thought of him and Darryl being a happy family, they didn't need children in the future anyways, kids were overrated- instead they could get a dog, or, even a cat! Zak looked up to see Darryl's smile and a big grin left his face.

"What's that smirk for?" Darryl huffed, kissing the others cheek, that had gone slightly red from the cold air around them.

"I just like seeing you happy."

"I'm always happy when you're with me, Zak."

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