Chapter 8

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Zak woke up to an emptiness beside him, Darryl must've woken up before him. The raven-haired male sat up and stretched, yawning as he got out from under the white sheets. He moved to the bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth and hair with the spare comb and toothbrush that Darryl keeps especially for the hazel-eyed boy. After finishing up in the bathroom and taking a quick piss, Zak moved to the kitchen to get something to eat where he met up with his lover.

Darryl greeted the younger with a warm smile and a gentle kiss on the lips, "Goodmorning, Zachary."

"Please don't ever call me that, Darry," Zak mumbled kissing the other on the cheek as Darryl handed him a mug of hot chocolate and a muffin. "A muffin for breakfast?"

"Oh! That's mine, I meant to give you this plate of toast," Darryl chuckled nervously as Zak swept the thoughts away.

"Thanks for the meal, Drunkboyhalo."


Zak grinned as he sat down on the couch, watching the news as he chomped on the toast that Darryl had given him.

"Hey, Darryl?" Zak began nervously, the thoughts brushing in his mind once more, "Do you think we're moving too fast, like we're acting like a married couple?"

There was silence as Darryl thought, thinking back to all the times they acted as a couple and a soft blush hit his face, "I mean, I just think that's normal but if you wanna go slower, Zak."

"No! No, I'm happy with this, I like it but I'm just worried that others will think we're going too fast... or that we're... wrong."

"Hey! Look at me!" Darryl spoke louder with confidence holding Zak by the chin, "This isn't and never will be wrong, not in a million years! Plus all our friends are accepting of us so don't worry, okay? We'll be fine as long as we're together."

Zak nodded putting the plate aside and hugging Darryl tightly, kissing the other quickly afterwards before edging back and being pinned against the couch before he felt the other let go and move away before it escalated.

"Now, I forgot to tell you yesterday and wanted to surprise you but I can't hold it in anymore. We're going on a double date with Vincent and Clay!"

Zak's eyes widened in surprise and excitement, "Really? What should I wear? Should we match our outfits or would that be too cringe? Oh! Where are we going? When are we going? Do we get alone time after to cuddle? Will I have time to finish the illustrations for later?"

"I'll make sure there's time and Zak?"


"The matching outfits is an amazing idea."

Zak and Darryl both wore a white T-shirt both had different designs on and both were with matching denim jackets as well as black ripped skinny jeans and trainers.

"What time are we going?"

Darryl checked his phone, and did some quick Maths before replying, "Soon, about an hour... We're waiting for Clay and Vincent though."

Zak nodded smiling excitedly at Darryl as he washed his plate and mug.




"Hey babe, can you get the door?"

"Okay, Darry," Zak said energetically, bouncing to the door and unlocking it. Hazel eyes met green ones and his lips turned into a frown. "What do you want?"

"I want to see BadBoyHalo."

"Mega, you've already kissed someone who's dating someone so... Look, I'm your friend and I wanna keep being your friend and I think the best option and advice I can give you right now, as a friend, is to give up and move on. Especially if the guys taken."

Zak fumbled a bit with his words are first but finished on a confident note. Realising the other was sniffling, he brought him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"Also next time, don't spike your lover's boyfriend's drink, it's not cool."

Mega let out a small chuckle, "Duely noted, thanks Skeppy, I think that's what I needed."

"Yeah, yeah, now get going, aren't you part of the baseball team because I heard they have practice this morning," Zak sassed as he smirked.

"Oh shit, see you, Skep! Tell Bad I said 'Hi' I guess, just as a friend though!"

Zak nodded as the other boy disappeared down the corridor, he smiled and shut the door before sitting on the couch waiting for Darryl.

"Who was it, Zak?"

"Oh, just Mega, he said hi," Zak grinned, not telling Darryl the full story.

"Oh right, he does creep me out sometimes."

"Well, he is silent but deadly, in more ways than one," Zak giggled and Darryl gently tapped the others shoulder for the somewhat offensive joke but didn't take it to heart considering it wasn't aimed at him for once.




The two boys hugged before sparking up a conversation between them, their two lovers watching behind them as they walked. Sometimes Darryl found it hard to admit but he was kinda jealous that Zak and Vincent got along so well, despite knowing Vincent and Clay we're dating and trying love out, it still made Darryl uneasy.

"You and Darryl are wearing matching outfits?" Vincent asked curiously, wanting to confirm from the raven-haired teen, he found it rather cute and wanted Clay to match outfits with him too!

"Yep! It was my idea, of course!" Zak said as if it was obvious before his steps faltered and he turned to look at Clay and Darryl. "Where are we going anyways?"

"To the car," Darryl grinned as the other boy pouted adorably.

"Well first, we're going to an amusement park near the bowling alley from last night and then we're going to the mall and finally we'll finish off with dinner," Clay explained to the two at the front, who unknowingly led their way to the car.

"Woah! Cool," Vincent smiled sitting down in the back of the car, Clay sitting next to him and hesitantly holding the younger's hand, slightly nervous he'd get rejected.

"You know Vincent, you actually look really nice today," Clay muttered under his breath as Zak and Darryl were slightly occupied kissing outside of the car. A small blush fell on Vincent's face as he smiled softly.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Vincent hummed in reply, looking away awkwardly. This was nerve-wracking, did Zak always feel like this near Darryl?

He looked at the two as they got in the car- Darryl in the drivers seat and Zak in the passenger seat, excitedly babbling about whatever came to his mind as the eldest started the car.

"Oh by the way Darryl, I've almost finished the illustrations!"

"Illustrations?" Clay commented softly, not wanting to be in the dark about Zak's conversation with everyone.

"Yeah, Zak is illustrating the book that Darryl wrote, isn't that cool?" Vincent answered, leaning his head on the others shoulder as he anxiously watched the trees and buildings pass by.

"Woahhh! That's awesome guys, I want to read it as soon as I can, okay?"


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