Chapter 19

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Darryl woke up first, quickly placing his glasses on his face and clambering out of bed to the smell of bacon and eggs along with a hint of coffee. He turned to his bed realizing Zak was still asleep and grew nervous before remembering Clay had spent the night. He chuckled at his own silliness and left the room, meeting eyes with vibrant green orbs.

"Morning, Bad," Clay greeted, placing a plate of bacon and eggs on the table along with two other plates, "I made breakfast, I don't know how Zak likes his drinks in the mornings so I only made coffee for us..."

"Don't worry about it, coffee in the morning would probably over energize him anyways," Darryl laughs, before going back to his room to wake up the previously mentioned boy.

"Hey Skep, Dream made breakfast for us," Darryl says softly as the boy sits up with tired eyes and stretches.

"What did he make?" Zak questions as he rubs his eyes clean of sleep.

"Come find out," Darryl chuckled as the boy slowly stood up and hugged him, "Do you want some hot chocolate?"


The two entered the open kitchen, Zak sitting down in front of Clay as Darryl made Zak's hot chocolate.

Zak complimented the food, "This looks really good, Dream. Thanks!"

Dream chuckles and accepts the others compliment, the raven-haired Male really did give off child vibes for some reason. He grinned at the thought as Zak started eating and Darryl places Zak's drink next to him as he sat down too.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Darryl asked the two at the table after gulping down some coffee, "Any plans?"

Zak looked to Darryl and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm going on a date," Dream replied, finishing up his food and pulling out his phone to reply to a message he received.

"With who?" Zak questioned suspiciously.

"Vincent, but it's a blind date... he doesn't know it's me," Dream nervously spoke up, "I was gonna wear a mask so he wouldn't know until later on, you know?"

"Really? That sounds so stupid," Zak spat out some food as he laughed loudly.

Darryl hit the younger lightly on the head and shook his head, "Stop being rude, Zak. I think it's a great idea, Dream. I'm sure he'll love the date, where are you taking him?"

"Uh- Mountain Rick climbing?"

"In the middle of winter?" Darryl questioned as though Clay was insane and Zaks laughter just grew louder and faster as he choked on his lack of air.

"Oh shoot, you're right, what do you guys think then?" Clay asked quickly as though he was ashamed at his date idea.

The raven-haired boy finally succeeded in halting his laughter, "Well it's your 'first' date with him, right? Try something simpler like a date to the movies and maybe a pizza afterwards, or a nice trip to the beach or even like an ice cream shop and a theme park."

"That sounds familiar," Darryl thought aloud which made Zak chuckle.

"Yep, yep, saw it in a movie once, anyways, good luck on your date, Clay," Zak smiled brightly as he took his dish and started washing it, for once he was being responsible. Darryl watched as the other washed his plate, admiring how handsome and cute he looked at the same time as the sun shone on the raven-haired male's face, his hazel eyes glowing with happiness.

"Hey Zak?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I love you."

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