Chapter 14

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It had been a week since Christmas and New Years had ultimately passed. It was a bright Tuesday morning and Zak had woken up in his own bed for once, stretching and yawning as he sat up and checked his phone for any notifications. When it appeared he had none, he thought of what he was going to do for the day and quickly tore off his blankets and jumped over to the curtains, throwing them open excitedly. He already had a plan, now he just needed a place to execute his plan in. The raven-haired boy grinned as he moved to his closet and found some clothes to wear, a simple black tracksuit with white stripes on the sleeves and on the side of the legs that his Grandma had sent over. Zak shut the door to his brown closet and got changed before moving to the bathroom and quickly brushing his teeth. The excited boy then washed his face and combed through his messy hair before running back to his room and calling someone.

One ring.

Two rings.


"Ugh, what do you want? It's so early..." The boy on call mumbled tiredly, Zak assumed he had woken him up.

"So since we only have like a week left of no classes I had a great idea, I'll get my camera and you get changed and meet me in front of the school campus in ten, ok?"

"Zak, this sounds stupid, but okay. You better bring some food or something."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll stop by a shop on the way," Zak said as he shifted through some boxes under his bed, searching for a special backpack of his.

"Alright you're paying, see you soon," The boy spoke as the sound of shuffling was heard behind him, and he spoke up to someone else in the room, "Yeah, Zak wants to hang out somewhere. Yeah, I'll see you later, idiot... Alright Zak, bye."

"Byeee!" But by the time Zak had replied, the teen had hung up. Zak rolled his eyes before grabbing the backpack and shoving the boxes carelessly under his bed once more, he checked inside the backpack for a few items before nodding and throwing in his wallet and phone. He zipped the backpack shut and ran out his dorm, making sure to grab his keys on the way out. The raven haired boy raced down the few flights of stairs before accidentally banging into the push door on the way out and groaning in shock.

"Owwww!" Zak kept back to hold his nose for a minute, making sure it wasn't broke before he heard a yell from down the street.


Zak looked up to see the owner of the voice before grinning and jogging over, "A6d, you ready for a bro day?"

"Bro day?"

Zak nodded excitedly, his smile getting bigger and bigger as they began walking to the corner shop, "Yeah! I noticed I've been spending all my time with Darryl recently so I figured we should hang out, just the two of us! Yeah?"

"Well alright then, I swear if we get lost though, I will kill you."

Zak giggled as Vincent chuckled entering the corner shop, Zak following quickly behind. The two bought a sandwich from the shop before heading off.

"You wanna catch the bus?"

Vincent shrugged before answering, "Sure, I guess. Is this your plan of hanging out?"

"No but if we walked it would've taken longer to get to our destination."


Zak didn't reply after that, clambering onto the bus and paying for his and Vincent's tickets before finding seats at the back of the bus. Vincent smiled at the calmness of the bus, since it was early in the morning on a vacation week there was barely anyone on the bus.

"So hows you and Dream?"

"Eh?" Vincent cried out, his face glowing pink as he hid his cheeks in the sleeves of his grey jacket, "It's- It's good."

"Just good? No 'love'?"

Vincent lightly hit Zak on the arm as his face glowed brighter, "Shut up."

Laughter filled the air from Zak before Vincent soon joined in, today was going to be fun.

After a few more minutes the bus stopped at the dusty part of town and the two got off, thanking the driver before walking into one of the abandoned houses.

"Let's explore!" Zak exclaimed, placing his bag on the ground and rummaging through it.

"Skeppy what are you doing?" The brunette called out getting closer to the slightly older.

"Getting the camera ready!" Zak shouted as if it was obvious, rolling his eyes obnoxiously to match his tone of voice.

"Right, okay," Vincent mumbled, watching the boy over his shoulder as he looked around the room.

A few moments of silence passed as Zak finished setting up before he called the other over to him, so that they were both in screen of the camera.

"Hey guysssssssssssss, it's Skeppy! I'm here with A6d today and we're gonna be exploring these abandoned houses, right A6d?"

"Uh yeah, right."

Zak grabbed the camera from the stand he had it on and zoomed in on A6d's face before giggling into the camera's microphone, "He's not too happy because I didn't tell him first."

All the camera could see was two brown eyes looking tired at Zak, and Vincent's signature resting bitch face.

"Yeah sure, Skep. Hey so are we gonna walk around now or what?"

"Yeah! Let's find where the kitchen is!"

The two spent their day rummaging around the dusty, old house, finding disgusting, rotting food and cool items such as some broken sunglasses, a peppa pig blanket, a broken couch and a few other weirder items. There was multiple occasions that Zak almost ate the mouldy food for an experiment and Vincent had to stop him but everything considered they had a good day.

"Hey Zak, it's getting dark, we should get going," Vincent spoke up as he watched Zak, he turned away for a second as Zak put away his camera.

"Mmm, alri- Mmf- ght."

"Uhh, Zak what are you..." Vincent slowed his speech as he noticed Zak eating some really old peanut butter, it didn't even have a label and there were parts near the bottom of the jar that had gone green. "Eating? What the fuck, Zak! Are you stupid?"

"Kinda, yeah," Zak replied making Vincent face palm.

"Thats not what I meant," Vincent groaned before realising Zak was still eating the out of date peanut butter, "And stop eating it!"

Zak sighed, throwing the jar across the room and smashing it against the floor, which made him gasp in awe and impressment. "Look at that mess, A6d! That's so cool."

"Skeppy, come on. We should get home before it gets too late, plus I don't want to deal with your sick ass so let's hurry before the peanut butter gets digested."

"I'm not sure that's how it works, A6d," Zak giggled as they left the building waiting at the bus stop until it arrived.

Zak did not sleep easy that night.

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