Chapter 2

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Raven hair rested on Darryl's black-hooded chest, his eyes slowly opening as he adjusted his position so he was closer into the warm living organism behind him.

"Mmmm," Zak hummed as he looked around, noticing that the TV was turned off so Darryl must have shut it off before he fell asleep. Zak closed his eyes again, embracing the lovely moment they had together. His body filled with warmth and love, his chest fluttering at the surreal feeling of the moment. He was so happy to be waking up with Darryl. Six days out of seven, Zak woke up in the arms of Darryl and even now he was comforted by the love and care of the arms of the other if only he could have this every day.

Zak let out a soft sigh, turning around to face the other, he lay for a few minutes just staring peacefully at the others sleeping face. The brunette's eyes were shut gently and his lips curved into a smile as he breathed lightly, a few soft snores sounding from his lips as he slept against the younger, holding him tightly in his grasp but not so tight so that raven-haired teen could breathe comfortably. Zak let out a soft breath after holding it for a few seconds, his hand reaching up to the other's face before cuddling closer into him and wrapping his arms around the older's chest. He closed his eyes once more, letting out a soft sigh, the day could wait, this couldn't. 

Darryl woke up at around 11 am, his eyes shooting open as his chest was weighed down by something and he panicked before realizing it was just his clingy boyfriend. The brunette groaned, yet still let out a loving sigh, "Zak, wake up. We're supposed to be going out today, yeah?"

He felt Zak move slightly before he settled back down, Darryl huffed before pushing the younger, if he didn't listen the first time, it was time for brute force! Zak let out a big, 'ouch' as he sat up and rubbed his head. 

"That really hurt, you stupid idot!" Zak whined, standing up and leaving the room to go to the bathroom. Darryl chuckled at the younger, he did feel kind of bad though... He let out a soft sigh, realizing how Zak had changed his life. Usually, Darryl wouldn't push anyone, even if he was uncomfortable but now he had just pushed his boyfriend off the couch completely! He shrugged as he stood up, moving to his room to change, he also grabbed some clothes for his loving little troll. Darryl wore a white shirt with a pocket that had small black letters embroidered on which spelt, "Big muffin", he also wore some plain black skinny jeans and a red jacket as well as some red trainers. Zak came out of the bathroom, after ten minutes of doing whatever he did, and into the bedroom, which he had almost completely moved into.

"Oh you already chose my outfit?"

"Well, I thought we could match, muffiny muffin top."

"I- Alright then, let's see what you got us then," Zak spoke, sitting on the bed as Darryl showcased each item before sitting it on Zak's lap.

"Okay, so this is a black T-shirt and on the pocket says small muffin, because mine says big muffin and you're smalle-"

"Okay, next."

"Then some of your black ripped skinny jeans, which you left here for me to wash!"


"Ugh and then finally my favourite jersey jacket. Personalised red and polished with white for the sleeves, what you think?"

"Fair enough, you did a good job, Darry. Can you get out so I can change though?"

Darryl nodded, ruffling the younger's hair on the way out just to annoy him and in all fairness, it really did annoy Zak. Why do you think he was in the bathroom for ten minutes? Zak let out an annoyed huff as he quickly changed, not wanting to be in the house any longer as he pulled on his cyan converse. The small raven-haired teen left the room, willing Darryl to hurry up with whatever he was doing in the kitchen- which seemed to work because it only took five minutes for Darryl to be ready to go. Darryl handed the younger a paper bag with some sort of food in it, grinning as the other gave him a look of confusion.

"Bacon sandwich. It's breakfast."

Zak looked inside and saw the bacon sandwich, his stomach churned anxiously... He wasn't all that hungry.

"Uh, can you keep it for later or eat it yourself? I'm not actually that hungry."

Darryl looked at Zak with confusion, "How can you not be hungry? It's breakfast time!"

Zak nodded his head and shrugged, "I'm just not. Now can we go on our walk now, Darry?"

Darryl laughed at Zak's childishness as he stuck out his tongue at the older before grabbing the cutie's hand and leaving the apartment, locking it behind him. The two walked together peacefully, hands link together and fingers intertwined whilst they happily trotted down the hall together. Hazel eyes met green ones as they passed Dream's dorm and Zak waved inside, seeing Dream and Vincent both wave back as he went down the stairs, Darryl still concentrating on the warmth of the younger's hand. This was a daily occurrence or at least a somewhat daily occurrence. The two would walk down to the park, feed the ducks sometimes or play with the few dogs that owners let off the lead or even just sat down on the swings talking about life. Today was a day of sitting down, swinging back and forth as they spoke until it was time to meet up with the others at 2 pm. One of Zak's hand held onto the chain of the swing whilst the other held onto Darryl's hand, the two softly swinging in sync in the slight breeze.

"So about you illustrating my book?"

"You... You really want me too?" Zak asked, not really believing in his capabilities.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I, you silly muffin?" Darryl retorted, chuckling slightly at Zak's self-doubt, he knew that the other was actually really good at art but just didn't want to admit it. "You know, I sometimes question if my book is even good enough for your art."

Zak thought for a second, pulling on the jersey sleeve slightly to cover his hand and protect it from the cold before replying, "Really? Of course, your book is more than good enough! Your books amazing!"

"Glad you like it, I've spent two years writing and editing and I'm so happy it's getting published finally!"

"Have I ever told you how proud I am?"

"Only when you want something, Skep," Darryl grinned cheekily at the younger who laughed it off.

"Well, this time, I really mean it."

The illustrator, The writer || Skephalo FFWhere stories live. Discover now