Chapter 25

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Dream sat down on the park bench where George told him to meet him, they were supposed to be hanging out today, he looked around for a second before pulling out his phone and messaging Vincent.

'Hey qt, I'm missing u rn'

No reply just yet, what did he expect? For the other to just magically message back immediat- Bzz, bzzz!

'Missing u 2, idiot'
'Will u be moving back in soon?'

Dream smiled at the thought of being able to kiss his lover every morning once again and cook breakfast for the two before school.

'Tonight if u'll let me, bb'

Man, what a long week it had been.

'Alright, alright, gtg I'll ttyl tho ly'

Dream was about to send his reply when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he spun round to see who it was, "God George, you need to stop scaring me like that, dude."

George gave him an apologetic smile, "Yeah, Sorry."

"So were we going, Georgie?"

"Hm? Oh right, Sapnap told me about this dessert shop and I wanted to check it out," George smiled, looking to Dream excitedly. "He said there's great apple pie there."

Dream nodded giving the other a quick smile as he sent the message and put his phone away.

'Love u too'

The two walked side by side and chuckled at each other's dumb stories.

"Tell me about England, George," Dream said as they got close to the shop.

"Um, what do you want to know?" George asked edging closer to Dream for some warmth, it was pretty cold today for some reason?

"Well first off is everyone as cute as you?" Dream asked making George blush a soft red.


"I mean like as nice as you, you have the funniest reactions to things," Dream chuckles as they enter the place.

"Oh... right, not really. Everyone's anti-social though if that helps," George smiles as they find a seat and look through the menu, "What're you gonna get, Dream?"

"You said you're getting apple pie right? I might get chocolate pancake," Dream skimmed through the menu, before humming to himself and deciding, "Yep, w

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