When the Snow Stopped Falling

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February ..... Two Months Later.....

"Record the time of death with date." "Right away Commander Elf, 3:46 PM on February 4th ." A small elf scribbled something onto a notepad. I watched inside the room from behind a class wall. Commander Elf covered Santa's lifeless body with a white sheet and turned off all life source machines. Santa was quite the fighter, he held on for almost two months. And in that time, for a man that was on his death bed, Santa kept his shit together and still managed to get more done. At least he got  to watch the Super Bowl like he wanted.

Mrs. Clause stood stiffly at my side with her arms rested on my shoulders. When I felt a water droplet seep through my shirt that's when I knew that she was crying. Commander Elf and his assistant elf said a quick prayer over Santa's body, turned off the lights in the medical room and left. Before dashing away, the Commander gave me a salute and disappeared down the dark corridor before I could return the favor.

I turned to Mrs.Clause who is now in waterworks. I hugged her and gave her a pocket tissue which she blew loudly into. "It just ate me up inside knowing that the very last seconds with my husband would come at any time. But know that he's passed on to the afterlife, I don't have that inside feeling anymore. I know he's up there in heaven living happy." Mrs. Clause gave me a small smile.

"I have all of my faith in you Nikolass, everyone does. We're so proud of you with all that you've learned and accomplished within just barely two months. This year's Christmas will be absolutely splendid and my husband would be so proud. May the ceremony of your upbringing be joyous and in your high favor." Mrs. Clause said . We stopped outside her room door. She smiled and grabbed my cheek lightly. I knew that she could read the worried expression on my face. "In time my broken heart will heal, so don't you dare spend a single moment worrying about me. You have major preparations for two grand ceremonies, Santa." Mrs. Clause smiled. Without another word, she entered her room and closed the door quietly behind her.

She made everything seem okay a little. Everywhere around the village, everything seemed to be still, frozen perhaps. Elves grieved quietly at their work stations, business was slow in the village, there were no cookie breaks or hot chocolate stops. Snowmen weren't built, gingerbread didn't bake, bells didn't jingle, the snow even stopped falling. Storm clouds seemed to appear and grow larger by the second.

Today is a day for grieving. I, now being in charge , made a start for my brand new office. There on my my desk with a overhead speaker and communicator courtisy of The Communication Board. Hesitantly, I picked up the microphone. A loud squeak of feedback pierced the silent, cold, air. Everything I am about to say, the entire village will hear. A little over a million people. I gulp and say, "Stop, everyone stop. I want you to stop what you're doing and please listen to what I have to say. Today, is a day to remember the life of our late Santa Clause. This is no way to properly grieve. Therefore, I want everyone to stop building, cooking, shipping, or whatever you're doing and go home and rest. Everyone is clearly in a gloomy state. Please get some rest and wake up tomorrow so we can celebrate the life of our great Santa. He will be forever missed and cherished in our memory. The ceremony will be grand and by all means one Santa would have proud to be a vast part of. Thank you and rest peacefully from Successor Prince Nikolass Leonardo Sorrentino." I hang up the receiver and feel immediately a load of work come off of my back.

Everywhere around the village, elves scramble and scurry to get home. I smile a little to myself. Santa's Farewell / Celebration of Life ceremony where the entire village is invited to is tomorrow and all of the preparations are already done. Everything is in place. So the day after next , I'll have to make plans for my Santa upbringing ceremony. According to traditional legend, I must sign the book of magic , swear on my soul, and basically be formally introduced into the family of magic and the world of immortal life. A lot of technicalities and stuff. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair which is now a lot longer. To my shoulders to be exact and I still have my facial hair.

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