Chapter 38

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Being six months pregnant wasn't fun, but the anticipation of me and Jongho's child kept me thriving and not just surviving.

   I kept getting congratulations from people in the mafia and even other gangs we weren't rivalled with, I never knew being the fiancée to a mafia boss let alone being the mother of a mafia boss's child would get me so much attention. Well maybe that stuff sounds cool so maybe it's worth the attention.

Me and Jongho decided to go on a bit of walk just to talk about the wedding, we want to have it after our daughter, yes we know it's a girl, is born.

"So I'm thinking red, gold, and white theme. I think black and white is too basic." Jongho suggested and I nodded.

"So would you and the groomsmen wear white suits then? Don't you dare show up my dress." I joked and he chuckled.

"No it will make our suits too tacky, so maybe we could do red and gold theme so your dress will pop and so can our black tux's." I shrugged and smiled. We got to the coffee shop and he immediately pulled me to leave out the side exit.

"Jongho what's wrong?" I asked and he pulled out his phone.

"Nothing to worry about, business just wasn't taken care of properly." He said as he hurried us back to the house. I stayed in the staircase though he told me to go up to the bedroom and he'd be there 'in a sec'.

"Why is he still here?!"

"I saw him when me and Y/N were out on a walk.... he was staring at her and me and smirking. I didn't like the intentions behind the smirk."

"I could tell, he's no good clearly and trying to spy on Y/N probably."

"Well why would he come to that coffee shop when his home and base are on the other side of the city with other coffee shops surrounding it?"

"I want to do it myself, I want to make sure he doesn't survive this."

"Bring him to the house, I will keep Y/N up in the bedroom and we'll take care of the business in the basement."

"Just find him and bring him here!"

I hurried up quietly to the bedroom as he hung up the phone, probably talking to Seonghwa or Hongjoong. So he was gonna try and keep me up in the bedroom when someone was probably gonna die in the basement? But who? I felt the overwhelming urge to know.

After supper I went up to take a shower in our bedroom and when I came out Jongho was still on the bed, reading a book. I went into the closet and put on some black pyjama pants and a white T-shirt. I came out and there was a note on the bed from Jongho.

Had to take care of some business, be home soon, get some rest my love

The business in the basement was going on! I quietly made my way downstairs and to the basement where I hide behind a staircase wall to head into their conversation. The basement was pure concrete because this was where Jongho handled the business he didn't himself, this is where Jongho's dirty work happened.

"How'd you survive? We put a bullet in your chest and you were supposed to burn with the building." Jongho stated.

"Your dumbass goons missed my heart and punctured a lung. I took a secret way out no one knew about and got me stitched up by a friend, it would've took me hours to bleed out." My blood ran cold at the voice, Yoongi.

How'd he survive, I thought they all died!

A hard sound of skin to skin echoed through the basement. Yoongi hissed in pain, I'm guessing Jongho slapped him.

After everything Yoongi put me through and the fact he survived, I wanted to see him die. Well maybe not see him die but be there when he does just to feel safe and secure knowing he was gone. I stood in the doorway, the guys spread out behind Jongho and beside him and Jongho loaded a black hand gun with three bullets.

Mingi saw me and I tried to make him quiet and hope he'd listen when I put a finger to my lips but Mingi is Jongho's worker and was probably told to to tell him if I came down.

"Y/N you're not supposed to be down here." Jongho's head snapped up and to me when he heard my name. I stayed still and cool as Yoongi smirked at me. Everyone was staring at me.

"Just end him already, that stupid smirk is better gone that existing." Jongho and the guys smirked at my statement and eventually Jongho signalled me to come to him, I did so and hugged his side as he put and arm around my waist.

He aimed the gun square between Yoongi's eyes and covered my own with his hand now around my shoulder instead of his waist.

"Goodbye motherfucker." He growled as I squeezed my eyes closed and the gun when off three times. Yunho and Mingi immediately got the bleach and cleaning equipment out as Seonghwa and Wooyoung dealt with the body.

Me and Jongho went to go upstairs. We got up to the bedroom and climbed into bed, cuddling close with to each other.

"Goodnight Jongho." I yawned.

"Goodnight my mafia queen."

Mafia Boss (JonghoXReader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now