9 - The Unreliable Scroll

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"It's only been a few minutes and you already need my assistance?" Master Wu said, from the computer screen.

"Yes, Master. This is a...challenging investigation." Zane replied. "Remember your box of 'unreliable scrolls'? We're assuming one of them may be quite important." 

The old master chuckled lightly from his location in the ninja base. 

"Ah, see? I told you they may come in handy. Which scroll? Do you remember the title?"

"No - but it should have this symbol on it;" Kai said, holding up a drawing on a piece of paper. 

"Hmm...give me a few minutes as I go to the library to find it." Master Wu affirmed. He then left the screen, leaving just the view of the empty ninja base. At that moment, the three who had gone to explore the factory returned, climbing up the Bounty's rope ladder and joining the other ninja at the bridge. 

"Did you guys find anything?" Nya inquired, approaching them. 

"Yep - the symbol was definitely on one of the scrap metal pieces in the factory," Jupiter began. 

"And turns out Ultraviolet, Killow and Fugidove could be suspects; we saw them discussing something in the factory," Cole explained. 

"That makes sense;" Zane inputted. "All three of them were released from Kryptarium but are being closely observed." 

Jay, who was leaning against the Bounty wall, scoffed. "Obviously not being 'closely observed' enough."

The sound of Master Wu's steps came back through the computer. 

"I believe this is the scroll you were referring to, Kai?" Wu said, holding up the tattered paper with the suspected symbol on it. Kai confirmed it was the exact parchment he saw. So the ninja plus Hector gathered around the Bounty's computer to listen to Wu read the scroll. 

"This scroll talks about a group of old artefacts, created by an ancient force in nature; the Four Orbs of Negativity."  Wu spoke in a low tone. "Researchers in the past had assumed that these Orbs were made with a similar material and essence to those of the Oni Masks, giving them similar but not identical properties."

"-The Oni Masks? Maybe that explains why UV and Killow are interested in them," Lloyd interrupted him. Wu raised an eyebrow before continuing to read. 

"Each of the Orbs of Negativity collect and release different essences. The Orb of Hate, The Orb of Envy, The Orb of Pain, and the Orb of Distrust. Researchers called these the four elements of negativity, hence the name of the collection." 

"Interesting." The nindroid spoke up. "According to my own research, Dr Xavier was an avid analyst when it came to these artefacts. It is said he was currently focusing on the Orb of Pain. He also had custody of the Orb of Distrust." 

"What about the other two?" Hector questioned. 

"There is no data on where the Orb of Hate and Envy are - judging by the situation so far, it is most likely that they were stolen from the original keeper." Zane shook his head. 

"Then I'll bet those three criminals have them," Jupiter huffed. 

"This feels a bit deja-vu. Except...what happens when these artefacts are united?" The green ninja asked Master Wu, who was still listening in on the ninja's conversation. Wu scanned the parchment for an answer; a confused look was painted across his face. 

"It is quite unclear, but...something about unlocking a way to the negative phase of existence...I am not familiar with this concept" He confessed. "Perhaps you'll have better luck looking into this." 

"It's alright, Master. Thanks anyway," Lloyd ended the video call and turned around to the team again. 

" A 'negative phase of existence'... what is that, like a parallel universe?" Jay pondered. 

"Sounds like it. Maybe it means that we're in a...positive phase of existence?" Nya added, raising an eyebrow uncertainly.

Lloyd sighed heavily. "But it doesn't explain why Ultraviolet, Killow and Fugidove would want to open up a way to this 'negative phase'. What if they're getting the Sons Of Garmadon back together? With my father? And with Ha--" 

"Don't jump to conclusions, bro;" Kai assured him, putting a consoling hand on his shoulder. "For now, I say we should lay low; we can't let them know we're onto them. In the meantime, we can learn more about these 'Orbs of Negativity'."

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