20 - Imbalance

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"Did you see that huge flash of light?" Misako told Wu, as they rushed in through the damaged doors of the factory. Inside, smoke was angrily ascending into the dim air. Around the two teachers, metal from the abandoned factory's systems was destroyed, blown off or damaged in one way or another. 

"Lloyd!?...Kai!?" Master Wu yelled into the eerie space. Nothing. 

Misako reached for a flashlight she kept handy in her pocket and took the first steps into the drab machinery centre. After seconds of peering into the darkness, she swivelled around and urged the old master to follow her deeper into the chaotic metal jungle. 

"Nobody is here...you don't think.." The woman said in a low voice. Wu sighed and adjusted his hat gently. 

"Those ninja have a knack for entering unfamiliar places..." He said. 

At that very moment, Misako turned her flashlight into an opening, where a large sturdy structure stood, in the shape of a doorway. She tentatively reached over to touch its surface, expecting a cold lifeless sense, but the device was warm. 

"Well, they definitely went through. So did the villains." Her voice echoed in the dark. Master Wu stroked his beard in deep thought as he paced around a small area. Unexpectedly, he abruptly stepped on something, hearing a slight crack as his foot made impact. 

Misako's flashlight illuminated the dirty floor around them, focusing on what Wu had accidentally stepped on; a small burner phone. He picked it up and observed it in the low lights. 

"Looks like someone hasn't upgraded their tech." Misako commented, eyeing the old phone. Luckily, the banged-up gadget still worked, as Wu attempted to switch it back on. The quiet tapping of the plastic buttons of the phone filled the space. 

"It belongs to that boy, Hector." Master Wu said with a hint of intrigue in his voice. "He must have entered the rift too." The old man browsed through the dull device, not much to find. There were only a couple of contacts and one conversation. 

"We know he tricked the team, but who was he talking to?" Misako asked, glaring at the small screen. 

Don't get in UV and Killow's way. This Orb will be the most difficult to obtain. 

Are they going to murder him? 

No. The Orb of Pain will cause him to do it himself. Let it be. 

That isn't very fair. A life taken for a metal ball?

Don't question the process - The scientist never understood the Orbs' capabilities anyway. UV will be waiting on the floor below him. Do not screw this up. 

Ok, I won't. Just remember what we agreed. 

We'll see, Hector. But it is your mistake for falling into this. 

I know.

Wu and Misako were silent for a while. 

"Dr. Borg's friend wasn't murdered?" The woman gasped softly. "It was all part of their plan to retrieve the Orb of Pain." 

"And Hector was the key to getting them the Orb of Distrust too." Wu said sadly. "The balance of both phases will start to shift, now that these four Orbs have been transferred to the Negative Phase."

"But what will that mean for us here?" Misako held her flashlight in a worried manner.

Master Wu sighed and turned the phone off. 

"My guess would be great misfortune for life in this phase. Bad luck, essentially. Bad energy." He paused for a moment, before speaking again. 

"We must alert Pixal. We need to find a way to contact the ninja on the other side...somehow." 

Misako nodded at Wu's plan, and followed him briskly out of the cold empty factory. As they scrambled out the building, an image painted on the decaying metal against the wall caught their eyes. Both of them halted in their tracks on the damp concrete outside and gaped at the insignia.

A symbol, spray-painted on the surface. One that had meant a great threat before but now, it appeared different.

The Sons of Garmadon. 

What was once a black symbol was now recoloured white, and the sketch of the evil tyrant known as Wu's brother appeared vandalised, with a swift red 'X' painted across its eyes. 

"Isn't that the Sons of Garmadon?" Misako quickly turned to Wu with confusion in her eyes. The majority of the city had heard the news a long while back stating that the SOG were nothing to fear anymore, ever since most of the members had been arrested and after the end of Emperor  Garmadon's rule. 

Wu shook his head as he scanned the rough text spray-painted beside the never-before-seen symbol. 

"No..This is an entirely new organization...and I don't think it is one from this Ninjago City..."

He gripped his staff tightly as he read aloud the graffiti. 

"It is the Souls of Garmadon..." 

Ninjago: NegativeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz