2 - The 100th Floor

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Cyrus Borg pushed himself on his wheelchair across the room towards the lilac ninja, carefully wielding a prototype weapon. 

"Alright, how about this one, Jupiter-" He handed her the small device, a capsule that was about the size of her hand. 

"What does this do?" She asked curiously. 

"It's an elemental grenade. It harnesses your elemental power and encapsulates within the grenade until you're ready to throw it." Cyrus explained proudly. 

"That seems...quite violent, don't you think?" Pixal commented from her position at the computer. 

"Yeah, Mr Borg - it's a cool idea but sounds like a good chance of...blowing someone up by accident," Jupiter confessed, carefully handing back the grenade. 

Cyrus adjusted his glasses and quickly responded. "I suppose you are right. I'll tell my nindroids to halt the production on these then." 

He moved over to the white nindroid guarding the 100th-floor door. 

"Take this to the production room and tell the others to pause manufacturing," He said. The white nindroid nodded stiffly, took the weapon carefully and headed out the door. A few moments later, a muffled boom echoed from the hall outside. Cyrus flinched at the sound and cleared his throat. 

"...Perhaps there is another device that'll suit you better." He said, scanning the few items laid out on his table. Suddenly, another white nindroid entered the room. 

"Sir, one of the authorities is requesting to meet you on the ground floor." He stated in a monotonous voice. Pixal and Jupiter both looked at Borg with confused looks. 

"Oh..uh...right then. Pixal, do continue showing Jupiter the rest of the devices, will you?" He requested kindly, as the white nindroid helped see Borg out. 

"Of course." Pixal replied. She left her spot at the computer and handed Jupiter the next gadget; a pair of glasses equipped with laser functions. 

"Please tell me these don't blow up," the ninja said warily. Pixal shook her head as Jupiter put the glasses on. 

"Don't worry, these are much safer." The nindroid assured her. She paused momentarily before speaking again. "You seem slightly aggravated - is this about Lloyd again?" 

Jupiter's face flushed when she heard that name. She sighed deeply and took off the glasses. 

"I guess...I'm still sorta upset that things didn't work out the way we both hoped," she admitted sheepishly. 

"I advise you not to overwhelm yourself with it. From what I know, Lloyd is probably going through similar stages. A relationship break-up is often a painful process," Pixal consoled, taking the glasses back to the table and retrieving another hefty gadget. 

"Yes, but, it's been so awkward trying to go back to being friends. I mean, is that even possible?" 

"Of course. You just need to meet common ground again," she responded. All of a sudden, both of their wrist communicators began beeping, signalling another disturbance within the city. 

Pixal stopped what she was doing and analysed the situation. 

"Looks like one of the members of SOG are potentially causing mischief on the east side," she said. 

"SOG? The Sons of Garmadon? I thought that biker group split." The lilac ninja wondered out loud. 

"Yes, but it is highly likely that some of the members have returned to causing mayhem throughout Ninjago City. We should go," The nindroid said, swiftly switching into her Samurai X uniform. "We'll take my mech - let's go." 

Jupiter pulled on her ninja mask and followed Pixal to her Samurai X mech outside on the helicopter pad. The night had just set, and the crisp wind blew around the peak of Borg Tower. Jupiter jumped onto the open hand of the mech as Pixal fired up the engine; soon, they were in the skies above the metropolis, heading to the abandoned factory. 

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