Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven

Start from the beginning

- Bye, stubborn! Nice work to you.

- And to you. See you, "Ahtem said goodbye.

When the girl went out the door, he went to the table and hit his finger on the laptop keyboard. A sweet, smiling face of his torment and happiness appeared on the screen. Ahtem ran his knuckles along the cheekbone. What a pity that he can't feel the tenderness of the skin ... Maybe Defne is right. After all, he has been living in hell for seven years, and without risking to change something, he will never get out of it. He put his fists on the table, rested his chin on them, and gently looked at the image on the screen.

"How much I love you," he whispered.


On the way home, Defne was buzzing Omer's ears with stories about the peculiarities of Arabic engraving on intricate gold patterns.

"To copy and draw them on paper is quite real, but I don't even imagine how Ahtem will put all this into practice," she chattered.

Omer silently smiled at the corners of his mouth and caressed her fingers.

"But how beautiful it is!" - continued to admire Defne. - A convex gold plate, on which, like an engraving, patterns of stunning beauty are applied. At home, I will show you the photo on the tablet.

- Did you manage to draw something? He asked.

- Imagine this! I advanced well. Still, drawing is easy than portraying something that attacks the imagination. I thought it would be boring, but no. Not at all. These patterned engravings are like magic. It captures thoughts completely.

"Did you even forget about me?" Omer asked jealously.

- What are you saying! - Defne was indignant and looked into his face caressingly. "I remember about you every second." You are my life.

Silently, she glanced at Sukru. But he was driving the car and did not listen to what the boss and his wife were talking about in the back seat. Or pretended not to.

A good man Sukru, Defne thought gratefully. "How much kindness and delicacy is in him."

Omer leaned over to her ear and quietly asked:

"I hope you're not going to draw at home?"

Defne looked at him cheeky and asked:

- And you?

He only winked at her and smiled slyly.

The Mercedes drove into their quiet, narrow street. Usually, it was deserted, but today a van and a black sedan stood to the neighboring house. Loaders carried things out of the house, and a thin, all in black woman stood at the gate and watched them with empty eyes.

"Sukru, stop here," Omer asked. Sukru pulled over and stopped. "Put the car in the garage, and you can go home," Omer told him and got out of the car. Defne got out after him. She took his arm and together they went to the old woman.

"Hello, madam," said Omer. "Forgive us, we did not express our condolences to you at the funeral. Believe that we sympathize with your loss with all our hearts," the woman looked sternly and was silent. Omer remembered that they were not familiar and hastened to correct the mistake: "We are your neighbors." I am Omer Iplikci, and this is my wife, Defne. We were business partners with Fikret.

"I know who you are," the old woman answered and looked into Defne's eyes. Cold ran down her spine from her sad, death-filled gaze. She stepped back a half step and pressed closer to Omer's shoulder. "I know who you were for Fikret." I also know that she saved your life at the cost of her own. You are probably worthy of such a sacrifice.

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