Chapter 18 Finally Finished

Start from the beginning

"no tricks just Night Slash" Dusclops faints from a critical hit "good job buddy" I say giving him a pat "you did good I congratulate you" I walk to the next area I heal everyone having Breloom stuck with the poison effect cause of poison heal "Glacia a trainer who's Pokémon represent your heart cold as ice" I say she nods "persistent one aren't you well let us cut the chit-chat and battle Glalie"

"Blaziken now let's start this strong am I right?" I ask Blaziken looks back and nods "I'm glad you agree now by the light of my key stone and the light of my Blazikenite merge" Blaziken mega evolves "let's show her what we've got Blaze Kick!" Glalie faints I keep up the same strategy fainting Froslass, her second Glalie, her second Froslass and now her last Pokémon is "Walrein"

"Wa- Wa- no come one keep your focus don't get sidetracked!"

"Surf" Blaziken faints I fall to the ground "you did good that one's on me" I let out a sigh then send out Metagross "Iron Head" Walrein goes down I return Metagross that was a surprise a Walrein had to keep my cool and not just break down I heal Blaziken and open the door to the Dragon chamber "Drake the dragon commander" I sigh I would have used Walrein for this battle I wipe a tear away and get ready for a tough battle "okay um Milotic I'll try you" I send out Milotic "Altaria" heh reminds me of May's Altaria "gah snap out of it can't think about that Ice Beam" Altaria faints "Flygon" wait Altaria, Flygon "are all your Pokémon four times weak to ice?"


"okay well Milotic Ice Beam"

"gah Kingdra"

"Dragon Pulse"

"strong aren't you Flygon"

"*sigh* Ice Beam"

"grrrr Salamence!"

"This is getting boring I don't want to hear the words Ice Beam again for some time so great job Milotic Salamence it's your turn"

"well a good ol' Salamence versus Salamence"

"yep Dragon Rush"

"how 'bout we return the favor"

"finish this Dragon Rush" Salamence faints I return heal Salamence and look at the large doors to the champion chamber "I know I always told May I'd become the champion but I never really thought I'd make it here" I send everyone out and look at them "we're here guys the final battle till our dream is complete I can't believe we did it all of us with our own story Blaziken you stayed with professor Birch for years and I'm so glad I got to meet you" I hug him then look at Breloom "Breloom you were the first Pokémon I caught and you've helped me in so many battles Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson you've always been there to help me I don't know anything about what happened before I caught you but even with that I know something in your past has given you a strong sense of justice" I hug him then look at Salamence "Salamence same with Breloom I don't know much about your past but I seen you watching the battle against Magma at Meteor Falls and you seen me and chose to go with me and I'm glad you did" I wrap my arms around his neck then look at Metagross "Metagross I met you right after meeting Salamence and you've always seemed close and meeting you was one of the best things to ever happen to me I know that Beldums are super rare and hard to catch here in Hoenn and you're super powerful and you were the first Pokémon I mega evolved when I could handle it" I hug it then walk over to Armaldo "Armaldo you were a fossil and I found the fossil on the ground at route 111 and I wouldn't have beaten my father if it weren't for you" I hug him to then Milotic "Milotic you became a part of my team right after Walrein left I don't know why everyone thinks that you're like me but I see May when I look at you" I hug him "and even though she isn't here with us let's remember Walrein she was with us for so long let's hope that the Spheal, Sealeo, and Walrein population will return to how it was" I say they nod  "and the last thing before we challenge Steven let's not forget everyone who's helped us on the way Lisia, Steven, Wallace, Wally, dad, and of course May and her Pokémon *sigh* May" I say "Blaz!" I snap back from my swooning daze "ALRIGHT LET'S GO!" I shout returning all of them and opening the doors "ah Ruby good to see you now let us battle"

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