chapter 26

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Shawn's pov:

I was a little more than disappointed when I didn't see Camila besides me when I woke up. It was already 11.30 in the morning now and I knew by now she would already be on the plane, but she could've woke me up but she didn't which clearly meant either she didn't remember the events of last night or she regretted saying and doing the things she did in her drunk facade.

I took a bath, had some coffee and toasted bread as my breakfast. I was my own boss at the company and I wasn't in the right mind to work because my mind was busy obsessing over a tiny brunette, so I decided not to go instead.

I took my phone from the nightstand and checked if I had any calls or texts from Camila but there was none, instead there was a missed call from my mom, I didn't had to go to work today so I decided to call her back. It always made me happy and content to talk to my mom, in some aspects she was my bestfriend indeed.

After a couple of rings she picked it up.
"Hey mom...good afternoon! How are you?" I asked her.
"Good afternoon! I'm young and hot as usual." She giggled.

"Yes my sexy 16." I chuckled and said.
"Now, it's getting a little over the top, it's not good for both my ego and digestion." She replied.

"No it's true mom you're still as young and beautiful as ever, if you don't believe me ask dad." I told her.

"Then I'll have to believe what's up?"
"Nothing much." I responded.

"Why? where is Camila, I know you kids are wild, I heard some noises while you both were in Toronto." She replied laughing on the other line.

I let out a sigh before replying, "Umm... She's in Miami to attend her best friend's wedding and it's not like that....uh we broke up."

"What? Why? Shawn you both are perfect and I really liked her, she's a very nice girl." She replied in a shocking tone.

"Yes she is very nice...but...she doesn't wants to get married mom like..never." I told her.

She sighed intently before responding, " So what Shawn? It's not such a big deal that you guys broke up."
"But mom-"
"Shawn, tell me do you love her with all your heart?" She asked cutting me off.

"Yes mom I do." I honestly replied.
"If you really do love her and she loves you, then you don't need to get married to stay together for the rest of your lives... Shawn to some marriage is just a legal contract and to others it's a religious ritual."

"I know mom...but to me it is a religious ritual and I do want to get married someday." I replied.

"Believe me I know Shawn, but tell me honestly, would you rather be married to someone you don't truly treasure and love or be happy and in love with Camila?" She asked.

I thought for a moment, but I didn't gave her a reply so she continued instead.

"See it's your life and I don't wanna poke my nose in it, but you're my son and I don't want to see you unhappy because you let go of something you shouldn't have......I'm not gonna convince you or force you anymore but just ask these questions to yourself...Do you trust Camila and believe in the relationship the both of you have. If you do, truly it doesn't matter if you two get married or's your life, your choice.. you know I'll support no matter what but please think about it, it's not for her it's for you.

"Okay mom.....I love you." I replied after a few seconds of silence.
"Love you, bye." She said, disconnecting the call.

And I was left, at a war between my stubbornness and my heart.

A/N: I'm very sad, flightplan is coming to an end, it's one of the most incredible story I've read and I don't know if I'm ready to let it go.☹️

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