chapter 11

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And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast
We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love
And I'm not scared to say those words with you, I'm safe
We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love.

Shawn got off from work a little early, he was just outside the front door when he heard some sobs and sniffles. He quickly opened the door to witness Camila sitting on the couch eyes red and puffy. As soon as Camila heard the front door open she quickly wiped her eyes. But Shawn already knew she had been crying and in a moment sat next to her on the couch.

"Do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to really." Shawn said softly taking her hands in his.
A tear rolled down her cheek, she wiped it and took a deep breath.
"Okay" Shawn said pulling her in a tight hug.

"Today was supposed to be my mum and dad's anniversary and I know how she feels on this particular day so I called her. She..she broke down on the phone. She cried and cried for I don't even know how long..." Camila said breaking down bit by bit herself as the words escaped her mouth.

Shawn pulled her close and gently massaged her hair.
"It's okay mila cry it out."

After a few minutes, Camila had calmed down. Camila looked up at Shawn and gave him a warm smile.
"You know I love my mom so much I just...I can't see her cry for the nth time over that man..... He would get drunk and come home all buzzed. You know one day he...he even brought a woman home while he was drunk, that was my mum's breaking point she yelled at him and pushed him and you know what that asshole did he...he took my mum by her hair and slammed her into a wall. I...I still much blood she had lost, how lifeless she looked lying on the cold hard floor. I was only 8, I remember how I punched and kicked his legs and how he threw me on the floor like I was literal garbage. He left like that not even taking her wife to the hospital, not even saying a single sorry."

"I remember how my hands trembled when I knocked on my neighbour's door Shawn I ...I remember how many times I prayed for only my mom to be okay."

"My mum after recovering, she worked days and nights just to look after me and sofi ....hell she could've left us like he did but she didn't." She looked up at him and Shawn had tears in his eyes too. He couldn't believe how much her mother and her had to go through. Throughout he said nothing he just listened like she needed him to. He enveloped Camila into a very tight hug holding onto her afraid that if he didn't she would just disappear.

"I'm so sorry baby, you and your mom had to through this." He said as he squeezed her.
"It's okay baby. It just breaks me more knowing that at a point dad wasn't like the man he had become into...he was sweet and he loved my mom. But I don't know how it all changed, that's why I don't want to ge-"

Camila was interrupted by the repeated ringing of the door bell.
"Shit! That must be Taylor I totally forgot she was going to come....Shawn I'm just gonna go wash my face, I must be looking like a wreck." She said getting up from the couch.
"You always look beautiful" he said pecking her lips.

It was around midnight now and Shawn and Camila both were lying on his bed now talking about nothing in particular. Camila's head on his chest, legs tangled and hands interwined.

"Thank you so much Shawn today for listening, it really kind of lifted a weight off my chest, I've been holding it inside me for quite long now." She said looking up at him.

"You don't have to thank me for that Camila, I'd do anything for you. I just I can't see you sad." He said with a little frown.
"Believe me I'm very very happy since  I met you." She said connecting their lips in a passionate yet soft kiss.

When she pulled away their eyes connected and she knew he wanted to say something.
"What is it Shawn?"
"Um..Camila I..I love you."
Camila's eyes widened and soon a tear escaped her eyes.

"God I'm so sorry mila! Baby please don't cry"
She put her hand up and pulled him in a hug.
"I'm not crying because of that stupid....I... god I'm so happy. Shawn it means more than you could ever know. And I...I"

"Shh it's okay mila you don't have to say it now just because I did, take your time." He said kissing her sweetly.
It wasn't like Camila didn't wanted to say those three words back she wanted to so bad but her inner fears wouldn't let her.

"Shawn I know, but I also want  you to know that I feel the same way about you, god I'm crazy about you... I've never felt this way about someone else....but it's hard for me I've never said those words to anyone but my mom and I've never been loved by someone but my mom and sister you it means the world to me Shawn."
"It's okay baby, if I have to I'll wait forever."

She giggled, "oh believe me it won't be that long!"

That night they both laid chest to chest, even if Camila haven't said those words yet, but both of them knew they felt the same.

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