chapter 5

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You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous

Camila's pov:

I was sitting at a stool near the drinks corner, looking at the door, waiting for Shawn when someone appeared behind me. I turned around to see a blond boy smiling at me. I smiled back but I didn't quite like the way he was checking me out, specially how he was checking my ass and legs out.
"Wanna dance?" He asked offering his hand out towards me.
"Umm no thank you." I shrugged and gave him a small smile.
"Please" he said.
"Okay." I didn't wanna act ignorant and rude so I gave in.

The third song was playing now and I was getting pretty impatient now. After the first song ended I tried to pull away but he placed his hands on my waist and instead pulled me closer. Similarly, when the second song ended he pulled me more close to him and now I was getting a bit uncomfortable. I glanced around the room to check if Shawn had arrived, he had arrived indeed but he was dancing with a dumb blonde a few metres away. A small disappointed sigh left my mouth and I was a tad bit jealous.

The second song ended and I decided I had enough, I pulled away and took two steps away from him, but that damn man extended his hands and pulled me in again!!!! I mean can't he take the hint, I wanted to yell," boy I'm not interested", but sure I didn't wanna ruin, the bride to be's partayy as you say it. He placed his hands on my butt and boy, I had more than enough. I used my hands to shove his hands away and tried to step away from him, but he didn't move his hands away and just tightened his grip on me. "Get your hands off me" I said in a soft tone. He just chuckled and said, "oh come on baby don't you wanna have some fun."

I was about to knee him, punch him and knock him out. Umm can you blame me I've learned self defence for years and sure I could knock a well built guy, so what biggie was this assvert (yeah asshole and pervert), but Shawn came up behind me removed that assverts hands from me , took my arm tightly but firmly and pulled me away. How thankful I was for him today not because I couldn't defend myself, but because I didn't wanted to create drama and ruin Tay and Joe's party, and for a change it feels so good when someone cares about you and defends you.

He looked down at me with a questioning look and I nodded because I knew full well what he wanted to ask.
"Don't touch her again, she's not comfortable with you." Shawn simply said to the guy.
"How the fuck do you know if she's comfortable or not dude!" He defended himself.

"Do you want me to punch you and kick you out or you're leaving yourself." Shawn said with an angry expression. And I just koala-ed his arm more.

"Whatever dude like I want to be at this boring ass party and dance with this bitch." Shawn clenched his jaw and his hands turned into fist when Nathan called her 'bitch'. I noticed and took his hand in mine relaxing him.

Shawn's pov:

I was dancing with hailey sure but my whole ass attention was towards Camila. I noticed how after the song ended she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her. I excused myself from hailey and made my way to her.

"Thank you so much Shawn, seriously." She said as we made our way to the couch. We sat and I spoke.
"Actually I'm sorry if I had crossed any boundaries, because by how much I know you, I know you can speak up and defend yourself." I said hoping she wasn't angry at me. She gave me a big, warm smile.

"Don't worry Shawn, you didn't crossed any dumb boundaries for sure and yeah I can defend myself, but actually it was really nice what you did for me and also it would've created a lot of unnecessary drama."I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but Taylor loves drama and fights for sure." He said and we both started laughing.
"So, care to join me on the dance floor or I'm a perv too." I said extending my hand towards her. She just smiled and took my hand.
"You're not a pervert ofcourse, but sure as hell you're an idiot." She said with a small chuckle.

We made our way throgh the small crowd and started swaying. Her little hands in my huge ones, her fingers interwined with mine, and that's how a perfect moment and memory were made.

A/N: So guys I've made my mind, this particular idea had been revolving in my head for months now, and before yesterday I only read books, but when I officially made an account I thought why I've decided I'm gonna write and complete this book and honestly i don't care if I don't get views or votes, the ones that matters to me are Camila and Shawn so yep I'm gonna continue writing about them.

Also, I have a very interesting idea about another shawmila book, but I'm thinking of starting it after I complete this one. Also thank you guys for the unconditional love and support!♥️

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