Gem Stones

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The rain slowed to a drizzle as the clouds began to part slightly. You huddled closer to yourself, trying to keep warm. Even with the protection of the tent and the warmth of your wool blanket, it wasn't enough to keep the cold at bay. Inigo squatted in the rain, attempting to save the last bit of fire he had created right before the rain began to pour. He grumbled loudly, sitting down in the mud in defeat. You giggled slightly at this, feeling bad for him.

"Inigo, come sit where it's dry. You're going to get sick." As you spoke, the rain had stopped completely. You could hear the wind brush against the leaves of the evergreens, and the birds chirping. Inigo made no move to get up. So you stood, grabbing the blanket with you.

"It's cold, and you are soaking wet. What's wrong?" You wrapped the blanket tightly around him, slightly hugging him after.

"I know we have been traveling quite often, and we haven't had much of a break. It's just not like you to be so... not... vocal." You pulled away to sit on a damp log that was next to Inigo. He sighed as you did so, glancing over at you briefly.

"I am sad. I enjoy accompanying you, my friend. I just miss visiting the taverns, I miss talking to the stupid drunks who smell funny and talk funny as well." He giggles and looks away from you, taking something out of his pocket.

"What are you doing, Silly cat?" You laugh along with him, although you aren't too sure why. When he turns around, though...

"Ow Ayee Ouw ems ah ouu siii ii uur ouf?" He had multiple soul gems in his mouth and attempted to speak with them in. This made you double over in laughter as he spits them out.

"What did you say??" He laughed along with you, struggling to get all of the words from his mouth.

"How many soul gems can you fit into your mouth? My record is three!"

You both loudly, holding each other up in the process.

This is why you're glad you got him out of that cell in Riften.

Hello again! I've gotten into the writing spirit, and have the motivation to continue this book once more. (dunno how long that will last tho.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I promise to make the next ones longer than this!

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑔𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒 (One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now