My favorite color is blue... My favorite smell... Is Green!

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OKe uhm first of all... my story has almost 300 views so thank you guys I appreciate the interaction with this book. Also, I want to apologize for my absence. I have been dealing with a lot of mental issues that needed working out. I'm good now, but I felt you guys deserved an explanation. Anyway... On to the story! :)


What would smell green?

I pondered this question to myself as I watched Inigo rummage through the pockets of a bandit. He caught my eye when he threw a pouch of gold my way, smiling wide.

"My friend, we have just made a fortune!" He glanced around at the dead bandit bodies littered on the floor. "I think this is what we are born to do..." He looked at you. "Depressing."

You headed out of the tower down to your horses with Inigo close behind. It may start raining soon. You pulled your hood over your head and snuck a glance at Inigo once more. He was happily sniffing the air. (friggin cute)


The downpour was unforgiving on your journey home. You stopped to set up camp until the storm passed, which looked to be quite some time. 

You were soaked and - forgive the expression - not havin' this shit. Inigo, however, seemed to be enjoying himself. You watched in disdain as he splashed happily in big muddy puddles by the road. When he looked over to you, you pretended to be just as delighted by the weather. (As to not sour his mood, he is quite cute in situations such as these.)

When he seemed satisfied with himself, He situated himself next to you inside the tent.

 "My friend, we could not have been caught in better weather! The trees are singing with joy, and the smell brings me happiness, much like you do." He looked to you once more, eyes full of excitement.

And that's when it hit you.

"Wait... is rain green?"

seriously umm I didn't realize this until like two months ago and I wasn't even playing Skyrim lol

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