Sweetrolls ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Inigo followed close behind you quietly, so quietly in fact, you had to glance over your shoulder twice to ensure he was still there. When you did, he had a serious expression on his face with his ears going down defensively. You two were both sneaking through yet ANOTHER cave, but you were confident these were bandits.

"You owe me 15 septums, you dirty bastard!" A few bandits further along the cave began to argue back and forth, which turned to an aggressive shouting match, which turned into a huge sword fight. You held you hand up as a signal for Inigo and you to stop and observe.

"Well, this should make our job quite easy my friend." Inigo whispered very quietly next to your ear, which made you shiver and blush. He was crouching very close , and you could almost feel his whiskers on your cheek.

When the fighting stopped, one of the bandits fell to the ground. You rushed out to swing your axe at the closest one. He was hit square in the back, and he collapsed with a loud thud. Inigo had taken the woman with the great sword on, and evaded her heavy swings. He cut the woman down quickly, panting heavily.

"This is what we are born to do?" He looks over to you. "Depressing..."

You laugh and look around the cave. There was a camp with four bed rolls and a couple of tables with a fire in the middle. You saw they had a variety of good items, such as apples, Vinson, and sweet rolls. Inigo followed your gaze to the table with the treats, and with lightning speed, grabbed and swallowed the sweet roll whole.

"Inigo!" You laughed aloud, doubling over.
"Mmmm- delicious sweet rolls!" He pats his belly lightly with a mouth full of food before laughing along with you.

~It's moments like these that make you glad he shot you in the head with an arrow.~

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑔𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒 (One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now