Testing the Waters

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Alaska and Lisbeth were currently walking through a forest. They had taken on another quest to take out a hive of giant wasps. 

When they got to the location, Alaska was just going to let Lisbeth torch it like it was nothing. Unless this was a bit different from the giant wasp they knew of and they were actually giant. 

They didn't really have a plan for that, just hoping they were normal, original-sized wasps. 

They've been walking for some time and they were forced to leave their horses at the beginning area as they were to big to really fit through the area. 

"Wait a minute. AK, are these wasps really giant?" She mumbled trying to not to get Lisbeth's attention. 


"Ah, well, that's good." Alaska felt like she should've been more specific but didn't bother correcting herself. 

They then seen a cave not far from where they were and they seen an actual giant wasp fly into it. 

"I should've been more specific..." 

Lisbeth then threw them both down to the ground and they activate their Elemental powers. One of the wasps had flown right over them and they were very much seen. 

Multiple had come out of the cave and were looking at them. 

"We should leave before they attack!" Lisbeth didn't want to take her chances fighting these things. 

"No! We were told that they were dying, right? Let's just finish them off! I have a plan! We just need to get past those five!" 

She pulled her zweihander out of a glyph and stood up. 

She jumped forward and into an Electrical Dash. She came out of it and stabbed right into a wasp with force, pinning it to the ground. 

Two bullets were shot at another wasp, taking it down. 

Alaska took a coin out of one of her pockets and tossed it in the air. She blocked a flying stinger that was shot at her and retracted. 

the coin she had thrown up seconds ago came back down right where she wanted, she made a finger gun with her hand and a small smirk appeared on her face. 

A dense lightning shot hit the coin and sent it flying forward at another wasp that came out the cave. It hit right in the head and killed it with ease. 

She looked behind her and seen three dead wasps. Alaska swung her zweihander and at the end of her swing, she let go of the weapon and spun around and chopped the last wasp in half. 

Her blade came back to her as a little bit of lightning was trailing from her to the sword the whole time. 

This was a special skill that she got when she shocked her sword. She was able to control the direction with her power for a small amount of time basically making the sword into a really deadly boomerang. 

She caught her blade and didn't let it turn her as she caught it. 

Alaska and Lisbeth joined each other at the cave entrance and Alaska realized that the cave was pretty moist. That's just too bad for the wasp. 

"Lisbeth, back up. I've got a little move to make sure I'll kill almost all of them... like back up, really far." Alaska then started to charge her electrical power, like the last time she started charging this up, it started blasting around her in violently beautiful fashion. 

Anything her lightning decided to strike was exploded into nothing and left that mark of destruction. Trees? Blasted in two. Rocks? Smashed into bits. Dirt? All that remained is a hole. 

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