Uncontrollable Princess

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"The fact we ended up in the slums anyway is somehow surprising me." 

Lisbeth, Alaska, Ayame, and Lena could be considered negligent by the fact they brought one of the princesses of the Kingdom down to the slums to buy items. 

But, it was in fact Erika's idea to come down here. 

The shop they were currently standing in was super illegal in every way possible, things that were cursed, potions that had the odd chance of killing you the instant you drank them, tombs and skill books were around but none of them could tell you if they were legit or not. 

One thing was for sure, they certainly did look weird. 

"What the hell even is this one?" Alaska picked up a lightning skill book and flipped to the first page to find some sort of skill that was going on about creating dragons and creatures from lightning. 

She was an Elemental and never even thought of this, but decided against trying it anyway. Though it would be her creation, it would probably have some sort of mind of its own thanks to the large amount of mana it would take to create. Oh yeah, that was probably the second problem, the mana needed to create it.

Maybe she could try and downscale it and create smaller dragons, the idea was in her head now, she couldn't not try it in some sort of capacity. Possibly when they get out of a city considering it might go berserk in some way or another. 

Alaska was broken away from the thoughts by the sound of someone hitting the floor, seeing her setting, she whipped around and brought out her sword to see it was Erika knocking out another patron for... no reason. 

"Don't talk to me like that, cretin!" 


Lena's instant surprise at the insult she just yelled down upon the Explorer who possibly did something to her, but an even bigger problem arose when Alaska brought out her sword, everyone in the shop pulled out their weapons and it soon looked like one big brawl was about to happen. 

Thankfully, no one moved. 

"Wait, wait, wait! If you're gonna fight, do that shit in the streets! You know how hard it was to get some of this stuff?!" The shopkeep was more worried about the inventory than anything, and since this was his livelihood, it made sense to want to keep that protected. 

"What are we gonna do? Put your weapons away!" Lisbeth was pointing her revolvers around to the people in the place while Ayame had her katana ready to burst from inside the scabbard. 

"Okay, how about we all put our weapons away, huh! No one even knows that guy, right!" One of the Explorers started putting his sword away and everyone else followed after him, "Why did you punch that guy anyway?" 

"...He called me a child and told me to move, so I sent his soul into the next dimension with my fist." Erika crossed her arms, obviously proud of her achievement, she really was not one for insults of any nature. 

"To be honest, you kinda are a child though?" Lisbeth accidentally let her words slip. 

"I'm the same age as Alaska, you brain-numbing idiot!?" 

Erika and Lisbeth were seriously bent on insulting each other at any given moment, on purpose and on accident. It almost brought a joyful tear to Alaska who was secretly shipping the pair in her mind, she was brought back to reality by Erika running up and uppercutting Lisbeth right in the jaw causing her to fall over and slam into an Explorer who fell onto a table causing an explosion because of the things on there. 

That explosion knocked some stuff off the wall and those things hit the floor and broke through it, falling right into the basement. 

When Ayame looked over to the shopkeep, he was on the verge of ripping his hair out. 

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