The Staggering Duo

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Two girls that haven't met in forever finally meet each other though not under circumstances they thought could ever really happen... 

Of course, with their trip back to the city being a long one, the exchange of stories was bound to happen, from one to another, Alaska and Lena did come up with one big plan to ask Lisbeth to join them in their adventures throughout the world. 

Of course, Lisbeth being who she was and Alaska being Alaska, her weakness to say no to Alaska made her come along for the ride. 

For now though, they two were still on their journey back to the city. 

"Oh, and one more thing? Who even were those guys to you?" Alaska had to ask as she did kill basically all of them. She was really hoping they were nobody important since well... Lisbeth seemed to know them. 

"Oh, they're just a bunch of bandits I had got after I killed their leader. They tried to rob me and I shot him in the face." She nodded. "I've only been in this world for a month and a half or something."

"Ah, I've only been here for about two weeks and a half..." Alaska's eyes narrowed as she really had no idea how long she had been here. Her passage of time was skewed and she didn't really care either, "Er- something close to that." Her days filled with fighting and trying to live didn't allow her to learn the days and AK wasn't telling her unless asked. 

Along with all of that, Alaska really never thought she'd use her skills this much in her entire life. 

"Oh! How did you even die?!" Lisbeth, even though they've been walking for a long time already, was just asking this question. 

"Oh, my memories are a bit fuzzy for some things but I'm pretty sure I was struck by lightning and drowned? I was actually coming back from your grave when it started raining for no reason out of nowhere. That is the main part that I can remember." Alaska shrugged as if it didn't matter and Lena yelled at her for simply forgetting her own death and not caring that she died. 

Lisbeth's happy face quickly twisted into a gloomy one and Alaska had quickly asked her what was wrong. After all, them meeting again was a happy thing, right? 

"Well... I mean, you were coming back from my grave when you died, right? I just got hit with a little bit of guilt from you dying..." She tried to play it over with a dry laugh but it obviously didn't work. 

"Impossible. Don't you worry, Lisbeth. You were dead, there's no way you should feel guilty for that. It's my own fault for not paying attention to the news that day." She had no idea if she watched the news that day. "So, don't feel bad. We got to meet each other again, right?" Alaska gave light smile and put a hand on her friend's back. "Trust me. It's my fault that I died. You don't even think you were responsible. Got it?"

Lisbeth did an exhale through her nose and her expression changed back to that bright smile she had before.

"Got it."

"Good. I'm glad to be back with you, Lisbeth." Alaska crossed her arms.

"Well, I'm glad to be with you again, too. There's also something that is bothering me a bit though."

"What is it?"

"...Why are you like... 16 and flat?" Lisbeth's comments made Alaska's face instantly tort into one of someone who didn't look very amused. 

"Well, since I wasn't a good enough person! APPARENTLY, I got shoved inside malnourised body with no boobs!" Alaska clicked her tongue though she was glad that she was brought to Lena anyway. 

After all, without Alaska intervention... a death that was being worked, starved, beaten awaited her at the end of a twisted rainbow. Both girls knew this so Lena didn't even mind the jabs at how bad her body was. 

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