The First Bite

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Alaska held her head in the dark room she and Lisbeth were sharing. 

"What? It'd be best if we went out by ourselves here." She whispered as she put on her gear ready to hunt down vampires. 

Lisbeth was passed out on the bed they had and showed no real signs of waking up at all. A small crackle of lighting and Beta appeared behind Alaska but was actually the size of a fox this time around and not massive. 

"Alaska is correct. Our best choice of movement against vampires would be to only send Beta and Alaska." 

"See? Lisbeth would only slow us down here." As much as she loved her friend, their movement options were severely limited here thanks to her not being able to do any instant movements, unlike Alaska. 

The trip to Frostleaf, if it were Alaska by herself, would have taken only a few minutes or even seconds if she really wanted to go that fast. Nonetheless, she had no intention of abandoning Lisbeth and only wanted to kill these vampires here and now.

If they didn't knock them out the first night, they'd know they have someone after them and make this whole ordeal even bigger meaning they'd have to stay here longer. 

There's no possible way to get away from Alaska as when she turns into lightning, she's quite literally everywhere at once as she breaks down into particles. Getting anywhere is trivial to her but moving everywhere so fast makes for a boring adventure. 

Which is exactly why she doesn't do it and doesn't want to do it. It's the same reason why she doesn't just ask AK where the vampires are hiding. There's gotta be a challenge or it's just plain boring... 

Though under certain circumstances, like these, she doesn't mind flexing her powers. Their original target is a big bad Oni lady wreaking havoc in a city, not some loser vampires beating up a bunch of townsmen. 

"Alright, Beta. Find us some vampires...!" In a snap, both lightning users disappear. 

Lisbeth rolled over in the bed when they both left but once more, she showed no signs of waking up... 

In only a few seconds, Alaska and Beta had lapped through the entire town, in and out the houses and the perimeter. 

Learning a bit more about the vampires, they strike every night taking one to two people every time. So, there's no way they'd get by Alaska or Beta. 

Minutes of searching found nothing and traveling this fast drains a lot more mana than when she goes slower. Just another reason why she doesn't go this fast all the time. 

All at once, four bodies fell from the shadows in a house which Beta and Alaska were all around the instant they left the shadows. 

They came out of their traveling speed and a sword chop to the throat was all one of the vampires got. their head came flying off and Beta jumped at the throat of another and got a firm grasp on the throat of the vampire. 

Spears appear all around the body of the vampire and they shoot down killing the bastard almost instantly. 

Alaska kept up her charge as the last two created weapons made of blood. 

"A Templar!!" Two clashes were seen and heard from Alaska and her opponent but she obviously had the upper hand here. 

She easily deflected the vampire's sword and found her blade pointing at the vampire's chest. She dove her sword in and twisted the blade, a strong shock was given afterward and the vampire fell to its knees to where Alaska kicked them back and pulled her poleaxe out of her storage. 

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