Saving Lightning

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"Where is that girl at?" 

Lisbeth was currently walking through the halls of the shrine they'd been staying at for the past week. 

The three shrine maidens gladly let them stay here for the time being but Lena locking herself in a room for three days was very confusing for the girls. No explanation why and on Monday her suddenly coming out was a shock for them too. 

"We should start getting ready to leave." No matter how you looked at this place, it was nice and if you asked Lisbeth if she wanted to stay, she'd say yes. 

With this place two hours from Frostleaf, maybe they could come back to stay every night. That is if the maidens allowed it. 

"I'll just go and ask Chloe if she's seen Alaska around." Lisbeth changed routes to the oldest shrine maiden's room. 

It didn't take long to arrive and she knocked on the door but didn't hear anything going on inside. The movement of clothing was still heard so that meant someone was in there. 

"Chloe? Are you good in there?" Lisbeth opened the door and peeked in to see a scene that she didn't expect but subconsciously, she should've seen this coming a very long time ago. 

Alaska had pinned the shrine maiden down and was currently sucking her blood all while she was simultaneously holding the maiden's hand and groping her with the other. 

"YOU LITTLE HORNY VAMPIRE!" She opened the door and Alaska took her fangs out of the maiden's neck and Chloe also covered her chest. 

Alaska returned her features to normal and stood up, a stupid little grin was plastered on her face as she whipped the blood from her mouth, "Sorry? What can I say, she invited me to her room for tea and I ended up biting her. Heh, it's not as if it was one-sided, she liked it too!" 

"You were gonna do a bit more than bite her, Alaska. We were supposed to leave today, you know? Can you imagine how long I've been looking around for you?" Lisbeth was simply upset that she had been searching for her this whole time and as punishment, she'd cockblock Alaska. 

"Can you excuse me for a second? I'll be back, don't you worry." 

The maiden smiled and Alaska quickly hurried out the room with Lisbeth in tow. Once they were an okay distance away, Alaska's vampire traits sprung out because of the pure annoyance she was feeling. 

"In my two lives, this is the second time you've done this? You wanna get your fucking ass beat?" Alaska grimaced at Lisbeth and she returned the expression. 

"Do you know what's it's like to try and look for you only for you to be fucking someone?" 

"What are you, jealous?" Alaska crossed her arms with a smug look at Lisbeth's face went blank. 

"Of course not, dumbass. Why would I? I'm straight, unlike you." 

"Fine, fine. just give me like an hour or so! Wait by the entrance and I'll be right out there! Beta can keep you company with one of the sisters." Alaska put her hands together and dropped to one knee, "You know how long it's been since I last-" 

"I don't wanna hear about the last time or know when the last time was!" Lisbeth upsettingly put her arms together and made a semi-disgusted face. 

"Fine. Then don't go barging into rooms while I'm getting my rocks-" 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, get away from me you HORNY VAMPIRE!!" It was taking every muscle and ounce of strength in her soul, mind, and body to not punch the vampire in front of her into the sun. 

Alaska activated her powers and vanished while throwing up a peace sign to Lisbeth. 

Lisbeth on the other hand took the long way around the brought herself to the front gate. 

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