The Long Night

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"With Raven gone, it's Alex alone with her few guards that are still left."

Ayame, Alaska, and Lisbeth sit at a table in a room within the shrine that was mostly used to take a break in. It was big enough to fit them all and the three twins who just kinda wanted to hear their game plan.

"...Why don't we just use your Oni's and just lead a charge in." Alaska was the first one to drop a plan and it was a fair one at that.

"Might send a bad signal." Lisbeth didn't exactly look the look of a bunch of non-humans rolling upon a town.

"Besides, Alex is still a danger to us. She gets stronger with each person she's fighting so keeping our numbers low is a must. If I took more of my soldiers with us, she could easily kill us all with a single strike of her lightning."

"Wait, lightning? Don't tell me she's an Elemental..." Alaska sighed hard at this idea.

"She is. Her powers are mostly focused on making herself better but she has more than a few lightning strike attacks and chain lightning attacks that easily rip through anything that's there. That's why keeping our numbers low is a must."

"Hm... so, she has lightning powers and gets stronger with each opponent she's facing. It seems like our best bet is to try and kill her with just us three."

"...I'm not entirely sure about this one but... she also might get stronger the more allies she has close to her. Separating her from her team and making sure we don't overwhelm her with people is our main plan." Ayame nodded along with Lisbeth.

"So, we should have some of your Oni's lure away her allies then try to combat her with just us three." Alaska gave a thumbs up

"It sounds so simple but that's probably the best we can do."

"You could also try to kill her in her sleep!" One of the shrine sisters yelled out making everyone turn to her.

"Wait no, that is a great idea..." Alaska stood up and snapped, Beta flung to her side in his smaller form as a grin appeared on Alaska's face, "They all stay in that big mansion on the edge of town, right? Me and Beta sneak in, kill her allies in their sleep and then move on to Alex. If she wakes, you guys will be ready to come in and help me."

"How would we know?" Ayame mumbled as she put a hand to her chin.

"She's probably gonna blast me with lightning." Alaska gave the obvious to which the others girls didn't even think about.

"Oh yeah, she probably will." Ayame scratched the back of her head then cleared her throat, "I think tomorrow night will be our time to strike. We're counting on you Alaska!" She smiled with a thumbs up.

Alaska sat back down and Lisbeth didn't have a single thing wrong with the plan. It'll cut down their numbers, take civilians out of the equation, and give them the element of surprise too.

"Alaska, what is the smallest weapon you have?" Ayame questioned the catgirl and Alaska popped out her tomahawk axe she had bought a while ago.

"It's probably this. I can also make knives as well too." Alaska used her Lightning Creation and made a knife to pair with her tomahawk, "Why do you ask?"

"Ah, you have it covered then? I was gonna give you my wakiza-" Ayame blinked and Alaska's weapons were gone almost as if she had never moved.

No one actually seen her put them away and she was sitting like she was before.

"I think I'll use your weapon. It'd be better for the night anyway. It's kinda hard to kill a person swiftly with an axe, right?" Alaska's stern look confused everyone but Ayame who summoned the weapon to her and put it on the table.

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