Blindsided and Blasted

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Alaska was above average height being 5'10. She had silver hair that went down to her hips with yellow eyes she has a light scar going downwards on her right eye and was slightly pale. She was well built since she's been forced to do weapons training. 

She knew how to use a lot of different types of blades but her favorite was a basic longsword. Her cold exterior makes it look like she's antisocial but it's completely different from this. She's actually snarky and not afraid to fight or say the harsh truth to a person's face.

A very upbeat person once you get to know her. She was a very oddball of a person.

But as of lately, strange things to do with electricity have been happening around her. Just the other day she was just trying to plug something up but was almost shocked as the plug sparked. 

Another time was when she was simply walking down the street and she stepped in water and was slightly shocked as there was a current going through the water...

Now, she was jogging in a rainstorm with an umbrella and you can say she was properly scared for her life.

"All, I have to do is make it home and get in the house and never go out into a thunderstorm again..." Alaska was speed walking like a crazy person and wasn't sure what to do when she had to cross a bridge with a river under it.

With a sigh, she started running and heard a car coming from behind her when she was about halfway across. She quickly looked and about the time she turned, she was already splashed with water.

Getting hit with this water made her stumble and the rain didn't help as she slipped and fell over the railing. She panicked but it wasn't that bad as she could swim.

The sky cracked with thunder and lightning shot down from the sky. It struck Alaska directly paralyzing and knocking her unconscious.

Her limp body fell down into the water below helpless to actually do anything but sink lower and lower...

The next time Alaska woke up she couldn't see anything. She knew she had been struck by lightning and thought it had made her blind.

She reached out around her to only to feel nothing, she even realize that she was freely floating.

"Where am I?!" She tried to speak but only nothing came out.

She was starting to think that she had somehow been sent to space where it was like this. But if so, where were the stars?

"Stop your yelling, I was just getting everything set up! I just woke up!"

That took Alaska by surprise. A voice? It was assertive yet extremely calming.

Suddenly, she popped into another room and noticed the chair immediately in front of her.

A small table with two teacups was also in front of her.

A woman who was wearing black clothing stepped out and sat down in the chair in front of Alaska.

She was beautiful with purple eyes. Her long hair flowed down to her Lower back.

"Well, hello first soul of the day!"

Alaska was a bit of a weeb so she already knew what was happening.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Alaska said in a very calm voice that surprised the (probably) God.

The person in front of her closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them.

"Well, hello, Alaska. I know you've seen the process in more than a few manga so let's skip all the boring stuff, okay?" She smiled and Alaska's heart skipped a beat. 

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