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"Damnit, I love you, (Y/N)!"

Your breath hitched, catching in your chest. Everything seemed to happen so incredibly fast and then come screeching to a halt- as though a great crescendo collided with a caesura. Some might have found it difficult to fully comprehend what just happened, but you knew there was no mistaking the words that just passed the lips of Kylo Ren and entered your ears. There was no need for confirmation- there was, however, a need for response, and that was where you were struggling. 

So badly, you wanted to just lean up and kiss him. His face was already so close to your own, it wouldn't been difficult- but that wasn't what needed to be done in this moment. You needed words... but that was easier said than done (ironic, right?). 

With each passing second, the anxiety within Kylo began to manifest itself more and more. The longer you took to respond, the more regret and fear entered his thoughts. Seeing you, still so incredibly close to him, unable to compose and communicate a cohesive thought- it filled him with an overwhelming sense of panic. He hadn't really thought this through enough, had he? It all happened so suddenly, but it felt so right to say those words- words he hadn't spoken aloud for quite some time.

Yet, now...

Now, all he wanted was to hear you say them in return.

Kylo was pulled out of his thunderously loud and anxious thoughts when he felt your thumb begin to move once more against his cheek- a tender gesture that he was surely undeserving of. You were brought back into focus, becoming the center of his universe once again. As he took you in, a wave of emotion came crashing down when he saw the smile that was gracing your face and the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. 

"Kylo," You had intended for your voice to have more confidence behind it, but it sneaked out as barely more than a whisper. Pausing for a fraction of a second to swallow your fears, you try again and find that the sound of your voice is closer to normal than before, "Damnit, I love you too, Kylo." You tried your best to mimic his phrasing and tone of voice, but you couldn't help the breathy laugh that sighed past your lips.

The sheer joy- the complete bliss and elation that flooded Kylo's thoughts was too much to handle. You could feel him trembling and you realized that you were now crying just as much as he was. 

His smile was captivating. It was warm, like the sun on a perfectly bright and happy day. It was unapologetic, as if he was finally allowing himself the happiness you knew he deserved. This smile was unlike any you had seen from him before- it changed him more than you thought a smile could change a person. 

Neither of you moved for what felt like minutes, but was actually barely more than 30 seconds. You just sat there, with tears falling, basking in the perfection of the moment. This might not have been how Kylo planned for the evening to progress, but that no longer mattered. 

Eventually, the magnetism of the moment caught up to you both, resulting in a long awaited kiss. 

When he had kissed you earlier, it was as if he were desperate- like it might be the last time he would get to ever hold you- but this kiss was obviously different. There was passion and reverence, admiration and desperation, and- above all else- unmatchable love. The tears continue to fall down both of your faces, leaving glistening tracks on your cheeks.

Kylo couldn't even recall the last time he felt these incredible feelings. Being able to hold you in his arms, to have confessed to you, to kiss you- it all felt so right. He had struggled with his emotions for so long, especially the ones pertaining to how he felt about you. Of course, it wasn't love at first sight, but it didn't take long for him to start looking forward to the time he would spend chatting away with a bright blue projection of you. When he had been in dire need of help and close to death, he couldn't keep his thoughts in order- all he wanted was to get away from everything and see you again...

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now