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With new pillows and sheets on the bed, you're hoping that Kylo will be able to get some rest and heal naturally, instead of having to use the force to make his wounds close up. He was fairly tired after the quick shopping trip, but it was worth it to get him some clothes that hadn't been cut open before.

You are, once again, sitting at the piano. Although you didn't feel as though you had a stroke of genius, you were able to get a surprisingly large amount of writing done. At this point, you were finally pleased with the song. There was still something that you wanted to add to the ending, but you couldn't quite figure out the chord structure for it. It really wasn't bothering you much though- because as you replayed through what you had of Kylo's piece, it all sounded right. It fit into place, it told a story, and you could only imagine how great it would sound with an entire orchestra playing it.

With the work side of things done, you take the time to practice one of the more difficult piano etudes that you've been working on. It ended up being more frustrating that actually writing music- and it was normally the other way around. 

You take your hands off of the keys for a moment and you shake them in frustration, "Why can't you do this? The interval isn't too odd and it's a basic rhythm-"

"What are you trying to do?"

Without a second thought, you shut up and turn your complete attention to the man who was standing at the opposite end of the piano. He had entered the room so quietly... How long had he been in here? Were you too loud that he wasn't able to sleep? No he obviously slept- see how his hair is slightly more messed up than normal? It actually looks really nice-

"Don't worry. You weren't bothering me." He walks around the piano, taking a seat in an average lawn chair- the only other available seat in the room.

Shit- I forgot he can read my thoughts!!!

"Oh, good." You try to appear as calm as possible- but it was surprisingly difficult. "And, to- uh- answer your question, I'm practicing a song." While turning away from the piano, you take the top piece of sheet music and stare at it with anger.

"Then why are you upset?" 

"Well," You look up from the paper and make eye contact with him. In person you could finally see that Kylo has endless, brown eyes. Up until this moment, you hadn't truly considered how... stunning this man was. His hair just looked like it was softer than you could imagine, the constellations of marks and scars on his face- and he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

He isn't wearing a shirt.

Sure, this isn't the first time that you've seen him without a shirt, but the first time is all a bit of a bloody memory that's been blurred by the adrenaline that you experienced. Now, sitting just a few feet away from him in the golden hours of the evening, you could see that he must be incredibly strong. Also, with the absence of his shirt, you could see that the scar that laid claim to his face could be traced just below his collar bone. What could have done something like that to someone so strong?

Quickly- you pull yourself back to the present, and finally answer Kylo's question, "This song is fairly difficult- and I'm struggling with something that shouldn't even be that challenging for me."

He only hums in response, leaning back into the chair and crossing one leg over the other at the knee. His gaze turns to look at the rest of the room, and you turn your attention back to the ivory keys that you sat in front of.

You resolve to ignore Kylo, hoping to focus on the music that you need to practice. You start the same, dreaded measure over and over, getting closer to getting it right but perfection seems to evade you. 

"How does a piano work?"

You have to restrain yourself from slamming your hands down on the keys in frustration after failing for the umpteenth time in a row- and you do so by adverting you attention to Kylo. "Well, it's a system of strings and hammer-like mechanisms. When I press down on a key," You demonstrate as you speak, "The hammer raises and strikes the string, which is pulled to a certain length that corresponds to a specific frequency- or a note."

He quirked an eyebrow up, obviously questioning the simplicity of your answer. "That's it?" 

"Pretty much." Had you been in a better mood, you might have laughed at how childlike his questions were. You might have noticed that he was giving his best attempt to distract you... you might have noticed that he couldn't take his eyes off of you- but you were too preoccupied with your frustration and anger. 

"I quite enjoy listening to you play." His comment was sincere, and you knew it. There was something about his presence that put you on edge and calmed your nerves all at the same time. Finally, you turned to face him, catching him staring at you with soft and kind eyes- not the eyes of the killer that the galaxy made him out to be. 

Just as you were about to thank him, Kylo speaks again. "You were never really intimidated by me, why is that?" He never broke eye contact as he asked the question. 

"What do you mean- of course I was intimidated by you." You laugh- flattered by the fact that he thought you to be braver than you actually are. "You're Kylo-Freaking-Ren, the question should be who isn't intimidated by you?"

"Trust me, there are more people than you think." His gaze turned to the floor. Immediately, you know that you struck a sensitive topic.

"Well," You attempt to salvage the conversation, "I guess... if I had to pinpoint one reason as to why I'm not intimidated by you anymore, I'd say it's because you enjoy my music." A slight smile spreads across your face as you remember all of the nights you had spent playing music just for Kylo, how he'd react, when he finally took off his mask for the first time... "If my memory proves correct, my music was the first that you had really listened to, right?"


"I mean, that right there is probably the most wonderful compliment I'd ever received... So, thank you." Once again, you turn away from him, facing the piano keys. As your fingers begin plucking out the memorized melody line of Kylo's commission, he speaks up-

"Can I make a request?"


"Write me another song."

You almost laugh out loud, "If you  want it by the gala, I'm going to have to say no."

"No, I want it... whenever. Start on it whenever you want, but I want to be regularly updated-"

You could sense the underlying tone of urgency, and you stopped him. "Kylo, when the gala is over, that doesn't mean I'm going to disappear from your life." At least... unless you want me to

"No, I don't."

"Stop reading my thoughts." 

"Stop thinking so loudly."

"Now how do I do that?" You laugh at his suggestion and the fact that you were both bickering like small children. 

The serious question of the conversation was suddenly gone. Although there was no definite answer, there was a silent agreement to address the situation later... when both of you finally decided to give in to the emotions that you were so desperately trying to deny.


Hey guys! I know we've heard a lot about COVID-19 on the news, and it's probably effected each of us to a certain degree, but I hope y'all remember that there's always a bright side to life. Although things may look bleak, there is always something that we can be greatful for! Don't worry about updates from me- they will continue to be every Wednesday!

Please practice good hygiene, social distancing, and stay as healthy as you possibly can!


Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now