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"I am not going in there." You said, eyeing the door directly to your right- a door that opened into a monstrously large, walk-in refrigerator. 

"I don't even know what you're looking for, how do you expect me to find it?" Kylo was right in front of you, trying to convince you that having him go searching for ingredients was a mistake.  

Although he had a very valid argument, you weren't giving up just yet. You knew it had to be incredibly cold inside that room. The cold wouldn't be such an issue were it not for the fact that you live on a planet that has an unusually short and warm winter season, not to mention that you were still wearing the clothes you wore to rehearsal- clothes not meant for dealing with the cold. So, needless to say, you weren't the biggest fan of walking into an icebox at the moment. On the other hand, Kylo always wore this thick robes that would surely keep him warm in even the coldest environments... "How hard can it be to find the two things that we need- full fat Bantha milk and basic cream cheese?"

"Considering the fact that I don't even know what those things look like and that I would have to search through an industrial sized cooler full of random ingredients, pretty hard." 

You let out a frustrated groan. Once again, he was right. Having him scavenge the cooler, though it would keep you nice and warm, would take more time and he wouldn't even know what to be looking for... "Fine. I'll look." You turn to face the door and brace yourself, trying to psych yourself out before you have to deal with the bitter cold. You reach out and grab the handle of the door, but you don't make any move to push it open.

The handle is already chilly, it only takes a few seconds to notice that. The metal door radiates a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the kitchen... or maybe it's just your imagination at this point. Maybe your overactive mind is just exaggerating the fact that the room is cold- I mean, metal is typically more responsive to changes in temperature than other building materials, so wouldn't it make sense for it to be slightly colder than the rest of the room?

You take another look at Kylo and envy the fact that he's wearing multiple layers of warm fabric- Wait a minute! That's it!

"Give me your cloak." You let go of the handle and hold out your hand, waiting for him to hand his cape over to you. Sure, you were no where close to the same height or size as him, but it would still keep you nice and warm. Besides, the extra fabric from it being too big would only help you stay warmer.

Kylo gave you an inquisitive look, "Why?" 

"I don't plan on freezing to death any time soon." Even though he had made no movement to take off his cloak, you kept your hand outstretched and waiting.

Surely you couldn't be serious. There was no way that you legitimately thought that a few minutes, at most, in a walk-in refrigerator would be that unbearably cold. "(Y/N), it's just a cooler-"

"I won't go in there without it. Either you hand it over or you go in there and do it yourself."

You were serious, and he knew it. Even though he thought it was a little ridiculous, he would rather lend you his cloak than make a fool of himself and spend a laughable amount of time searching for things he wouldn't even be able to recognize. Soon, he was unclasping his cloak from his shoulders and throwing it around you, completely ignoring your hand. 

As you expected, the cloak was already nice and warm all thanks to Kylo. You would, undoubtedly, be much warmer now.

With one last deep breath, you grip the door handle, push open the door, and dash into the cooler. Thankfully, it wasn't dark. The entire room was well lit and everything was neatly organized, but you still had no idea where the two ingredients that you were looking for were located- and boy was this room chilly.  The cloak might be keeping your body warm, but your face received the full force of the cold air.

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