Update! (Another A/N)

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Hey y'all! Long time no see, am I right?

Let me just say, y'all are some of the most incredible people ever. Thank you so much for you kindness, your comments, and your concern for me. I've been doing alright— incredibly busy with a double major in college (English and Music). School has occupied the majority of my time, but I have made it my mission to finish this story over my summer break! You have no idea how much y'all's comments have motivated me to come back to this piece.

Right now, I have no idea what the schedule of updates will look like, how many chapters are left in this thing, or... basically anything else (lol). The only thing I can promise is that I WILL finish this story before the end of my summer break! I'm excited to work on this story again!! :)

— MnM

(Also, if you have any questions or comments for me, please feel free to ask! I'll try my best to answer quickly:))

EDIT (May 28, 2022) I'm going to be going through all of the previous chapters and making some slight changes. Thanks to college, I'd say that I'm a better writer now than I was when I started this project so there are some things I want to correct or tweak (also, miiiight add some things plot wise to give myself more to work with going forward!).

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