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"How would you feel about coming to stay on the Finalizer until the gala?"

The question rattled around in your head- echoing through the silence that occupied the conversation. You didn't need to ask him to repeat himself, but you still questioned whether or not you had heard him correctly.

You knew what you wanted to say to Kylo, but you were paralyzed by anxiety.

What if something important happened here? What if a client tried to contact me? What would happen if Jaxen needed me for some reason and I wasn't here? How would I explain my absence to him? Would I be provided everything I need to do my work? Why is he asking me to go?

"Why?" You cringe as soon as you realize you had spoken out loud. A part of you really didn't care. The fact that he even asked you to be closer to him made you incredibly excited and eager to accept his offer, but... you wanted to know.

"With the date of the gala being so soon, I thought that it would be considerate to offer you temporary lodging and transportation to and from the surface of Vardos, where the gala is being held. Of course, you would be provided with any necessary accommodations, should you choose to accept," He had expected you to have some questions, and he had every possible answer planned out in his head.

You nod your head in understanding, still silently listening to an internal debate over what you should decide.

He noticed the look of concentration that was frozen on your face, slightly concerned by your silence, "You don't have to give me your decision now. If you need some time to consider the offer, I understand."


"Of course, (Y/N)."


You didn't get much sleep that night, thanks to your ever active mind that was racing with hundreds of thousands of thoughts. In an attempt to wake yourself up, you decided to try one of the few types of tea that you knew was extra caffeinated- also known as one of the types of tea that was gifted to you by Jaxen. It wasn't your favorite, but it did what you wanted it to do- and that was wake you up. Granted, it was probably the foul taste that did most of the work, not the caffeine.

Today, you were determined to have an answer for Kylo. You knew that you wanted to say yes, that you would leave everything here just to spend some more time with him and see what hi life was like on a day-to-day basis... but you kept holding yourself back with a billion different excuses as to why you shouldn't.

Already, the sun was almost completely in view now, and you hadn't moved from your dining table.

There was a small sheet of paper in front of you, split into two sections- pros and cons. It was full of phrases, words, and scratched out thoughts as to why you should and shouldn't leave. As you brought the pen to the paper to scratch out another line, you frustratedly crumple the sheet of paper into a ball and lob it across the room.

You set your head in your hands and curse yourself for being so indecisive, when you suddenly hear a sound from your backyard. Immediately, your attention shifts away from the decision. You run to the window in the kitchen and see none other than Jaxen, continuing the unfinished job the two of you had started yesterday. While it wasn't a surprise to see him here, it was slightly shocking that you hadn't heard a single snarky or witty remark about your laziness. Without pause, you left the kitchen and walked out the back door of the house, the click of the door opening and closing alerting Jaxen of your presence.

"Ah, so you're not dead after all!" He doesn't even have to turn around for you to see the huge, toothy grin he's sporting. "I thought I was only fixing up your yard for the next person to live here."

You roll your eyes at his blatant sarcasm, but you can't help but feel a twinge of guilt for not having noticed him sooner. "How long have you been out here?" You were still in your pajamas, shoe-less and all, but you still went to grab your shovel and help him out.

"Eh, not that long."

He was lying. It was obvious. The yard looked much nicer than when you'd left it yesterday evening and he had worked up quite a sweat for having worked for "not that long." The guilt grew within you. How long had he really been here? Is he missing work for this? He must be crazy.

"You know, this is my yard- right?" You dig your shovel into the small mound of dirt near you, filling in the small trench not far away.

"Duh, but I also know that you've been working yourself to the bone. I know you better than you think, (Y/N). I know that this crazy important and top secret commission is driving you up the wall with work, you obviously haven't been sleeping well, and having a client come and visit Beztekka must have been incredibly stressful," His extremely accurate explanation/observation stuns you, but he doesn't stop there. "I don't know everything that you're going through, but I can see that it's all really important to you. So, obviously you don't have the time to fill in the massive damages you caused all from an impulsive decision-"

Suddenly, it hits you like an Imperial star destroyer- "Jax, put down the shovel."


"Put down your shovel and come inside, I've got a lot to tell you."

If there was anyone you trusted to help you make important decisions, it was Jaxen Lyre- and if he was going to help you, he needed to know the truth. The whole truth.

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