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One week. 

It has officially been one week without any contact from Kylo.

You thought you'd be able to get more work done without his interference and controlling behaviors, but you were wrong.

The first three days without him went by fairly normally. You got some work done, as you would typically do, but as soon as it got closer to the time of night when the two of you would normally talk, everything just felt off

You knew you could always go talk to Jaxen about things, but you couldn't get your mind off of Kylo for some reason. His absence worried you endlessly. Every day that he didn't contact you was another day that he could be dead... and even though the two of you aren't necessarily close, you still felt connected to him. For all you knew, you were the only person he has to call his friend... 

Regardless, the balance and schedule of your day to day life was thrown off. 

Tonight is another sleepless night. You had forced yourself to sit at the piano for the past three hours, trying to squeeze something out of your brain and into some actual music- but you still couldn't produce anything worth writing and keeping. So now, you've finally caved and moved to your bedroom- hoping that you might be able to fall asleep sometime soon. 

The silence of your house was almost deafening. 

Typically, you wouldn't mind the quiet. You had grown quite used to it after living alone for so many years of your life, but now being alone meant that you were all alone with your anxiety and worries- 


You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of the sudden banging coming from the front door of your house. 

Maybe you had just imagined it. Why would someone be knocking at your door at this time of night? You live far enough away that it was highly likely that it was nothing other than your overactive imagination, but if it were someone, they had to be actively seeking you out.


Anxiety dominates your body, and all you can think of is the worse case scenario.

You quickly scurry out of bed and begin searching through the contents of your bedroom- searching for some sort of weapon to use in case of an intruder. The papers, scattered across the desk, get quickly thrown to the floor haphazardly, drawers are thrown open and the contents of them are dumped onto the floor- "I know there's a damn blaster somewhere in here..." You mutter to yourself as you scramble to find it.

With the desk empty, you move on to the closet. Searching the floor first, and miraculously finding the blaster after moving your shoes around. 


Who the hell would be here at this time of night? Is there a sudden attack on the planet? Is it Jaxen? Am I in danger? I'm going to die, aren't I? Holy Hoth, I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

You try to control yourself as you run to the front door, cursing the designer and architect of this house for not putting more windows at the front face of the house- because if there were, you might have been able to see who was there. 

Now, here you stand. 

Blaster clenched in your dominant hand. Breathing shallow and inconsistent.

You take one last deep breath while reaching your hand out to finally open the door.

As the door swings open, you point the blaster right in front of you, ready to fire in a heartbeat- but the looming figure before you is one that you never expected to see.

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now