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"I've worked for him for a few years now. He's a great client- always pays well and let's me have a lot of freedom in the music that I write for him- but he's incredibly stubborn and chauvinistic," You roll the new baton between your fingers, appraising it while talking about the sender of the gift. "He's made too many attempts to get me to stay on Canto Bight and work solely for him- of course I say no every time he asks. I have no desire for someone to control the thing I live for- my work," You pause, bringing the glass of wine held in your other hand to your lips, taking a sip. "But... it's a nice baton... Pretty expensive, too."

It's the third evening of your stay aboard the Finalizer. Kylo had been visiting you every night, just as he normally would... except for the fact that you're both in the same room. The previous nights, you would just talk about the little things- why did you like that one song so much? Is your handwriting really that neat? What has Hux so tightly wound today?- and eventually you'd end up at the piano, playing music for Kylo until you agreed that it was finally time to retire for the night.

However, something interesting happened today. 

Before you left Beztekka, Kylo had worked his special Supreme Leader magic to ensure that anything sent to you through the postal service would still reach you at the Finalizer. This morning, a First Order employee brought a fair stack of mail to your room. There were a few packages, but mostly a plethora of letters. It was beyond you how you received this much postage since you left your home... regardless, here it all was. 

Many of the letters were from the various orchestra members who had an odd question or two about the music that you had sent them a few weeks ago, something that you would deal with when you all arrived on Vardos (the location of the gala). One package was actually from Jaxen. The note he included made it sound as though he was already having a rough time without you and, while there haven't been any mishaps, you find yourself missing your best friend too. He sent you a new mug that he found on one of his recent trips to the market. It was bright blue and had the outlines of flowers pressed right into the clay. You thought it was a little silly that he didn't just leave it on your kitchen table for you to find when you got home, but the sentiment was appreciated. 

Then, there was the rest of the mail. 

Three separate letters and two fairly sizable packages. All from the same sender- Taric Ryye. This was one of his most desperate attempts at trying to get you to work for him. 

After the first letter and the baton, you had merely sent a response thanking him for the commissions and notifying him that it might take a while for you to actually get started on them. You completely ignored his offer, not even mentioning the notion in your response. The first letter was solely about the music he wanted written. He was vague, as usual, and gave you just enough bits and pieces to piece something together and start running with it later. The second letter was short- a brief invitation to visit Canto Bight to "Take a moment to relax before the gala," that's at least what he said. You knew that it would only prove to be another uncomfortable conversation where he tries to convince you that your musical genius is being wasted and that you could finally reach your full potential by working for him.

The third letter and the packages were much more blatant. 

He complained about not having received any letters from you, saying that he missed your company and friendship. He was requesting that you not only make time to visit with him about his requests during the gala, but he was insistent that you visit Canto Bight as soon as you could to cover some details concerning his latest commissioned pieces. Thankfully he recognized that you were far too busy with work to take time to visit him now- this brings package number one into the scene. Two bottles of expensive wine and another bottle of what you assumed to be alcohol but you couldn't say due to it being labeled in a different language. It wasn't too terribly out of character for Taric to resort to a certain level of bribery, and liquor this expensive was quite the gift to receive. He said that they were sent to remind you of his bar and what you could experience everyday, but you just rolled your eyes and moved on with life. 

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