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"You know, (Y/N), the best way to start an outdoor project is not by destroying a large portion of your backyard," Jaxen threw you an annoyed look from over his shoulder. 

He had been helping you fill in the small trenches that were left behind by Kylo's "unexpected landing" (more commonly know as a crash landing... but he refused to call it that) for the past three hours. When he first stumbled across you laboring in the yard, he was thoroughly confused. For starters, you were outside with a shovel in your hands, which is already something unusual, and- to top it off- the once serene scene of green that was your backyard was completely torn up from the roots in a huge section. You had been hoping to solve the problem and cover Kylo's tracks before anyone noticed, but you should have known that Jaxen would pop up eventually- especially since it had been a week or so since you two had gone and done something together (not counting the surprise run in you had at the market). 

"I thought I knew what I was doing, but I quickly realized that I had absolutely no clue," You wipe some sweat off your head with the back of your hand, surveying the area around you. Even though you had been working hard since this morning, you had barely made a dent in the damages done by the Tie Silencer. 

"What exactly were you trying to do?"

"I told you, I thought it might be nice to have a garden back here." The lie falls from your lips, having already thought through the entire story of how everything came to look like this. 

"So, you decided to just start mutilating your yard? You know, I am a farmer-"

"Yes, and I should've asked for your advice and help before I did anything, but I was feeling rather impulsive." You add a halfhearted laugh, hoping to make the manufactured story a little more realistic and believable. 

"By the looks of it, you were probably more drunk than impulsive." His witty retort elicits a genuine laugh from both of you.

You hated lying to Jaxen. He's your best friend and he's always been 100% honest with you from the very beginning of your friendship. Yet, you knew that no one could know about what really happened. The memories from Kylo's time on Beztekka were for just you and him... as far as everyone else went, he simply disappeared for a few days- probably adamantly chasing after that scavenger girl. 

Still, the guilt was undeniable. 

You had put your friendship on the back burner. Sure, you often drowned yourself in work and disappeared for days at a time, but having to keep the truth from him felt so wrong. After running into him at the market with Kylo, you hadn't seen him until today... 

"Hey," You call out to Jax after a minute or two of silently shoveling dirt, "Thanks for helping."

"Any time."

"No, like," You stop working. Looking out over the horizon, you momentarily contemplate telling him everything. From the commission, to Kylo's visit, to these confusing emotions that haven't gone away since Kylo came into your life- there was so much you wanted  to share with him... but you didn't know if you really could. "You didn't have to do any of this, and I'm sure you had much more important things to do today, but you still helped me..."

"Well, yeah, but what else are best friends for? I know you'd do the same for me, so stop trying to convince me that you're a burden," Although his tone was just as carefree as ever, his words struck a chord within you. "So, shut up and get back to work, Music Nerd."

"Suuuure, Farm Boy."


You'd think that the work would stop once you have the music written and completed- right? 

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now