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With pen and paper in hand, you're feverishly scribbling down a stroke of musical genius. It was as though the stars and suns aligned in this one moment and finally revealed exactly what you needed to do to advance the melody of Kylo Ren's commission. Of course, as is normal with these sorts of things, you were up into the early hours of the morning, sitting at your desk, and you had not recently gotten any sleep.

However, something was wrong. Kylo had not called last night and you had even mustered up the courage to send a message asking if he was alright. There's been no response so far and if you had been more awake and present in the moment you might have felt a little more concern for the First Order Commander, but all you were running on now was a stroke of musical revelation. 

As a brief update, General Hux's commission is now officially finished. The score is written, the transitions have been polished, and you have even already found a cellist who is willing to perform the piece at the upcoming gala- you've even found some time to ensure that all of the ensemble members have their sheet music and that they've run through it together. You are thoroughly pleased with how seamless everything has gone with his piece. 

Life on Beztekka was just as peaceful as ever. Jaxen was crazy, but a great friend. The two of you had made it a point to go on more outings together in an attempt to keep you from becoming a workaholic (which you didn't think was a problem, but he obviously did). The farmers were beginning to harvest their crops, which meant there were plenty of fresh produce at market vendors, but it also meant that First Order cargo transports were constantly traveling to and from the planet- creating more ruckus than you were used to.

Out of the blue- the holopad rings out with one single-


You look to your left, seeing the screen light up with the notification stating that Commander Ren had sent you a message. You drop the pen onto the desk and hastily pick up the holopad, opening up to the message as quickly as you possibly could. 

"Miss (Y/N),

I feel as though I must inform you that I will not be able to communicate with you for quite some time. I have been entrusted with leading a mission that is crucial to the fate of the First Order and I must devote all of my time and resources to this task. Upon my eventual and successful return, I will contact you and I hope to hear the progress made on my commissioned music. 

Commander Kylo Ren"

You reread the message, making sure you hadn't missed anything or read anything wrong. 

A part of you was confused as to why he was suddenly whisked away to lead such an important mission, but you were never really one to keep up to date on the political affairs of the galaxy. Nevertheless, you knew when something big was happening. You knew that there was this pesky Jedi girl who had sided with the resistance- but you had no idea if the resistance was on the rise or even gaining in strength or numbers... and all of this information was what Kylo's world revolved around.

Now, there was this other part of you. A part of you that instantly sunk upon reading the news. Yes, the two of you had finally admitted to being friends, but why had you become so attached to him? Why were you so affected by the notice of his absence? Was he doing something dangerous? Was he going to succeed? 

What were you thinking- of course he would succeed. As for the worrying about him... you still couldn't quite place your finger on the reason as to why. Sure, the two of you had finally agreed and vocalized to each other that you consider the other to be your friend. So, isn't it natural to be worried for your friends? But... how close were you really? You had only ever met once in person, but you constantly talked and now he's going to be gone... yet there was this- 


Before you could let your mind wander any farther than it already had, you stopped. Refusing to think about the subject any longer, you turn your attention back to the music in front of you, hoping to resume writing the melody you had conjured- but it was gone.

There was no avoiding it. Every thought seemed to lead back to the single plea that lingered at the front of your mind- 

Please, be successful... and safe.


Hey y'all! Sorry for such a short chapter, but sometimes you've gotta have those. I hope to keep the short chapters few in number, so expect plenty of content in next week's update! (Things are about to get pretty interesting)

Thanks so much for reading my story! I really appreciate everything! All of the comments are such a joy to read and I'm so glad that there are so many people who are enjoying the story so far!


P.S.- Just to clarify, this bit of the story is happening right as the events of The Last Jedi are starting to taking place- so there will be mention of those events in future chapters!

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