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It took little to no effort for Kylo to prepare a means of transportation for you. No one questioned him when he asked for a piano to be brought to the empty chamber that was only a few doors down from his personal quarters. There was no resistance when he gave the command for his own private transport to be sent to the small planet of Beztekka to pick up only one passenger. 

Sure, Hux was there to make sure a daily dose of annoyance was served, but Kylo did his best to pay him no mind. He told Hux nothing of the preparations for their visitor, he didn't even tell him that someone was joining them aboard the Finalizer. After all, he was a general- why should Kylo even bother him with these things? 

You, however, had a much more difficult time preparing to leave. 

Not only did you have to pack enough clothing and other various things to last you until the gala, but Taric Ryye decided to throw another wrench into the chaos. If he had just sent you a baton, you could have easily written it off as another subtle (yet painfully obvious to you) attempt at convincing you to leave your home and work for him under a private contract and you could have easily ignored him. But no. No, he just had to go ahead and send you a request for three new commissions. Not only that- but somehow he found out that you were going to be showcasing new music as the First Order's private gala that he was invited to (something that you could hardly believe). In his words, "I simply cannot wait to see you bewitch the audience with your talent. Perhaps I can steal you away from the music for a drink and another offer to work with me... Maybe I can share some information that will change your decision."

While the news of three commissions wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Taric's persistence at hiring you was starting to annoy you. You had told him no, more than once. Apparently, it still wasn't enough for him. Also, "share some information that will change your decision?" You had no idea what he really meant, but you honestly couldn't care less. 

When it was finally time for you to leave, you were lugging around one large case of luggage and a separate case for everything related to work. Packing hadn't been too much of a hassle. Whenever you had a question about different amenities aboard the Finalizer, Kylo was always there to answer. That man had an answer to every question. Frankly, it was pretty impressive. Despite the fact that you really had no clue what to expect from this trip, you didn't feel as anxious or stressed as you thought you would- and a big part of that was thanks to Kylo. 

"So, lets run through the list one last time-"

On the walk into town, where Kylo told you the transport would be waiting for you, Jaxen had insisted that he see you off. Not only that, but he had helped you through the entire packing process. How he managed to squeeze everything into one case of luggage, you had no idea, but you're certain that you won't be able to replicate it later. 

"Fancy clothes for the big party?"

"Check." The dress was packed last, to avoid wrinkling it too much. The shoes were right under the sleepwear and everything for hair and makeup was in the unorganized bag of bathroom essentials.

"Clothes for normal days?"

"Check." Even packed an extra outfit in case of an emergency.

"Comfy clothes to sleep in?" Right on top of the stilettos.  

"The clothes that go under clothes?" His childish tone elicited a laugh from you. 

"Yes, dork. I remembered to pack those too." Once again, packed extra just in case.

"Hey, they're pretty essential so I just gotta make sure you didn't manage to forget them!" He laughed at himself and continued on down his mental list, "You said that Kylo was going to provide you with shampoo and all that jazz, right?"

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