Chapter 48 - Wait

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Delilah's POV:

"Delilah, love. Wake up."

I groaned and rolled away.

Away turned out to be the floor.

I looked up and saw Tom standing above me smiling. "Get ready." he said.

"For what?" I asked standing up.

"Just get ready. And take your time."

Tom kissed my cheek and walked out.

"What just happened?" I said to myself.

After my shower I cleaned up our room a little bit and I noticed the head board had a small crack.

I smiled to myself and put on the robe Tom got me.

Tom was in the kitchen cooking when I walked downstairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making you breakfast." Tom said.

I smiled and gave him a hug. "You don't have to babe."

"I want to. You cook for us all the time."

I smiled and kissed Tom.

"I don't want to burn the food." Tom said breaking away.

I smiled again. "Alright, I'm going to get dressed." I said walking towards the door to downstairs.

"Wear something kind of nice." Tom said.

"I'll find something." I said.

Taylor must be in the shower because she wasn't in my room.

I looked through my closet and found a mint green skirt so I put it on. I paired it with a sleeveless, white button up shirt, and a black skinny belt.

I decided on wearing black toms and accessorised a thick, gold band bracelet; my necklace from Tom hidden underneath my shirt.

I put my hair up and did my make up as Tom walked in.

"Close your eyes." Tom said holding my hand.

"They're closed." I said smiling.

"Don't peek." Tom said as he helped me up the stairs.

"Okay, open them."

I opened my eyes and saw the table set for two.

There were a couple candles in the middle and two plates opposite each other; along with a cup of tea and a cup of orange juice.

I smiled at Tom who looked proud. "Tom this is so sweet." I said hugging him.

"Let's eat." He smiled.

He pulled my chair out for me as I sat down, and walked around to his seat.

"I hope you don't mind but I have the day planned for us." Tom said.

"You made me chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of a heart, Your wish is my command." I said smiling.

Tom chuckled and stared at me.

"What?" I said still smiling.

"Nothing love." he said.

We finished and cleaned up, smiling the whole time. Something was up....

"Um, where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went to the store." Tom said. "I'm going to change and then we're leaving."

"Where?" I asked curiously.

He ignored my question and jogged up the stairs.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my purse and phone and we left to Tom's mystery location.

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