Chapter 16 - Do What Makes You Happy

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Delilah's POV:

I don't want to bore you with how hectic the week was full of interviews so we'll forward.

* 1 week later *

I walked into Siva and Jay's room and jumped on their bed. "Breakfast. Is ready!" I said smiling.

Siva sat up right away. "Be down soon." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Jay, wake up you bum." I said still jumping.

He glared at me and got out of bed. Satisfied I walked next door to Max and Nathan's room.

I whistled startling them both. I laughed. "Breakfast is ready, come downstairs."

They didn't seem like they were listening so I went to wake up Tom.

He sat up as I was walking in. "I'm awake, so please don't whistle."

I laughed and jumped on the bed instead. "You said nothing about jumping." I said.

He smiled and reached for my feet. "Okay! I'm done, no tickling!" I said walking out.

"Any plans for the day Delilah?" Siva asked.

"Actually yes." I said smiling. "I'm taking the day to myself."

"You've finally gotten tired of us?" Max asked.

"No, but I know you have autograph signing today and I don't want to be there."

"What are your plans then?" Tom asked.

I grinned. "That's a surprise."

"Oh no, I know that grin." Siva said shaking his head. "She's up to something."

"I can't hide anything from you!"

Siva shrugged. "I just know my sister."

"Well I'm going to shower." I said heading upstairs.

I was in a surprisingly good mood today. I took extra long getting ready because I was walking around upstairs singing and dancing like crazy. But, it might be because mine and Tom's 3 month was tomorrow. That's part of my surprise.

I decided to wear white shorts, pink cropped shirt that barely showed my stomach and said "dance" on it in black cursive, and of course; black Toms. I straightened my hair, did my make up and was searching frantically for my purse.

"Has anyone seen my purse?" I asked walking into the living room.

Max held it in the air. "This one?"

I grabbed it and hugged him. "Thanks Max."

"Leaving so soon love?" Tom asked.

"Um, yeah I think so." I said. 

"Wait, something's not right." Siva said suspiciously. "Who are you going to meet?"

I blushed. Siva really does know me too well. "Okay, I'm going to meet Jacob for lunch. But then I really am going shopping!" 

"No. I don't want you to have lunch with Jacob." Siva said.

"I don't either. Especially the two of you alone." Tom said.

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