Chapter 31 - L.A

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Delilah's POV:

It was early morning when we landed. Two in the morning to be exact. I was exhausted. I got my luggage and caught a cab.

It suddenly hit me I might not be able to get into the hotel and I don't have a key..

"Hey Max?" I said into my phone.

"Yeah? Are you here?" He said groggily. He had a sexy sleepy voice.

"Almost. Am I gonna be able to get in?"

"Yeah, I'll let them know downstairs to let you in."

"Great, thanks."

The sun was barely rising when I got to the hotel. It was pretty.

I saw Max in the lobby and he walked outside to greet me.

"Hey beautiful good to see you." Max said hugging me.

"Good to see you too sweet cheeks." I said smiling.

He held my hand as we walked to the elevator.

"Is everyone else sleeping?" I asked.

Max nodded sleepily.

This time they had two rooms, two beds each. Big Kev, Jay and Nath in one room. Siva, Tom and Max and now me in the other.

We walking silently and Max climbed back into bed with Tom.

I smiled and put my suitcase and purse on a chair. I took off my toms and denim shirt and got into bed with Siva.

I tried not to wake him up and I was some what successful. Siva just wrapped his arms around my waist. Maybe he thought I was Nareesha....

 Siva's POV:

I slept surprisingly well. I rolled over and saw someone next to me. All I saw was black hair.. Nareesha didn't come with...

I moved the blanket and couldn't believe what I saw.

"Delilah!" I yelled grabbing her shoulders pulling her towards me. "What are you doing here!?" I asked.

She slowly put her hands on my shoulders. "Good morning." She slurred. "I flew in last night."

"How did you get in?"

"Max knew. He helped me plan it."

"Oh. Well you can go back to sleep now."

"No, it's okay. I wanna shower."

She climbed out of bed and walked over to her suitcase.

"Hey Seev?" Delilah said.

"Yes?" I said.

"What should I wear?"

"I don't know but something nice."

"Got it. I'm gonna shower. Don't tell the boys I'm here."

"My lips are sealed."

Delilah smiled and walked into the bathroom with her clothes. I'm so glad she's here.

Delilah's POV:

I'm so glad I got a wax before graduation. I didn't like to shave. You had to do it too often and it was just annoying.

I tried to be quick and quiet as possible. It didn't work since I blow dried my hair. I did big curls, more like waves.

I was doing my make up when someone knocked on the door.

I panicked.

"It's Siva. Let me in!"

I walked over to the door quickly and locked it once he was in.

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