Chapter 40 - Your Majesty

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Delilah's POV:

Being in Ibiza sure got off to a great start.

I didn't even know I had that lingerie. Maybe Tom packed it..

I walked to the bathroom and laughed when I looked in the mirror. My hair was everywhere, so crazy!

"What's so funny?" Tom said walking in.

I turned around and laughed at him. His hair was funny too! Good thing he didn't have extensions right now..

"Look in the mirror!" I said smiling.

He did and we both laughed again.

"Oi, did you buy that lingerie?" I asked as I brushed my hair.

"Yeah, a while ago. I think it was on our three month." Tom said. "Same with that robe you're wearing."

"Good choice." I said hugging him.

"How about we get ready and go get lunch?" Tom said.

"Sounds good. I'm going to shower." I said and slipped off my robe.

"I was going to shower." Tom protested.

"But I take longer." I said turning on the water.

"Which is why I should shower first."

"No, because by the time you're out I will be at least dressed and we can leave sooner."

"Fine." Tom sighed.

I kissed his cheek and stepped under the hot water.

I had just rinsed my hair and was washing my body when the shower curtain opened.

"I changed my mind." Tom said and stepped into the shower with me.

"Wash my back." I said throwing a sponge at him.

I felt his lips across my back and shoulders and then he starting scrubbing softly.

Tom suddenly put his hand on my back and bent me over as he put himself in me.

It caught me off guard and I moaned loudly, as he thrusted in and out.

When he pulled out I turned around slowly and kissed him.

"I love you, but I'm hungry." I whispered.

Tom chuckled. "Get ready." He said smiling.

It was sunny and warm out and I decided on wearing regular denim high waisted shorts, white lace bustier, and simple silver gladiators. My hair was in a high bun and I did my regular make up, including red lipstick.

"You're ready?" Tom asked surprised.

"Well I always brush my teeth before I do my make up, so all I need is my purse." I said.

Tom rolled up his jeans so they looked like capris and he was wearing a plain gray man tank.

"What?" Tom said tying his converse.

"Nothing." I said smiling.

"Well let's go." Tom said grabbing my hand.

I was kind of surprised about the paparazzi downstairs, but I was used to it now.

We ended up walking to a restaurant style cafe place and had lunch.

"So what do you want to do today?" Tom asked.

"I don't know. I just want to take in the sights and be with you." I said.

"I have an idea." Tom said grinning.

"But you're not going to tell me, I know that smile."

Tom chuckled and we were soon on our way.

Tom's idea was shopping. Not that I didn't enjoy it but I wanted to just spend time with him.

"Here." Tom said handing me a red bikini.

"Tom I brought mine, I don't need this." I said.

"But we're not going back to the hotel yet and you didn't bring one with."

I smiled and walked to the dressing room. Tom really did have good taste in clothes, I was surprised.

I put my shorts on over the bottom and walked back out. Tom payed and we walked to the beach.

I took my shoes off when we got there and Tom held my free hand.

"Delilah?" Tom asked.

"Thomas?" I said smiling.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but have you ever thought about getting married?"

I smiled. "You know, when I was a little girl.. I wanted to get married right after high school. I wanted that to be my life, ya know? Just find that one person who stood out from the rest."

"How about now?"

I stopped and turned to look at Tom. "Now I know." I said smiling.

Tom looked a little confused and I kissed him.

"Why don't we go back and relax?" I suggested.

Tom smiled and picked me up bridal styled. He carried me off the beach, which turned out to be where the hotel was.

Tom's POV:

I loved seeing Delilah so happy; it made me happy.

I was a little confused about what she said at the beach. Did she mean that she found the one? Was I.. The one?

"Did you make popcorn?" Delilah asked walking into the lounge area.

She was in tight little black shorts and a gray tanktop. She was so cute.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." I said finding a bowl.

"No hurry, I'm just grabbing drinks."

We cuddled on the big bed eating popcorn, downing champagne glass after glass, and watching movies we couldn't understand. Well Delilah understood some, but we mostly made up our own scenario.

"He either said Do you love me or Asked for water." Delilah said concentrating.

"No, I think he said 'Delilah go make more popcorn.'"

She laughed and got up to make some more. 

"Here you go, your majesty." Delilah said bowing and handing me the bowl.

"Girls don't bow, they curtsy." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up and eat." Delilah said climbing on the bed giggling.

The rest of the night went on like that. Laughing and cuddling.

I've never seen Delilah smile so much. It made me feel good to know that she was happy. I didn't want this night to end.

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