Chapter 29- Christmas Day

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"Want to come with me?" She asked me. She hadn't told me where yet but I nod my head happily.


Do I think I was dumb enough to agree to something that I wasn't fully aware of? Well, yeah. Maybe. At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with my life. But anyway, I thought Nayeon unnie and I were going shopping or we were going to hang out at a cafe. But I was mistaken. Nayeon unnie had an entirely different plan for our afternoon.

"Please say sike." It sounded almost like I was begging her. Well, I'm almost there anyway. She had this look on her face which I couldn't read.

"Sike." She said this so unenthusiastically. I frowned and stared at her.

"Oh, god. How I wish this is a nightmare." I huff.

We were currently outside of Seodaemun Prison. I just stare at my surroundings, I needed visual cues that would tell me that what I am currently seeing is real. I huff out, stressed about the whole situation. Everything that's happening right now is more than unreal to me. I couldn't believe it.

"I mean, like, this place looks like it's made out of nightmares so that's that." She mumbles as she looks around the place.

"I can't believe you actually dragged me out here." I tell her, I wanted to be annoyed but I know she had a good reason why I'm the one she's dragging out here. I stare at her and noticed how quiet she's gotten. We were outside of the gate, just standing, looking like complete idiots. "Oh god, I hate you so much right now." I tell her, I made sure I seemed shameless when I said this. I see her smile for a short while.

"Oh, come on. This is going to be fun." She smirked at me as the gates opened and that's when I see a police officer slowly approach us. I was scared at first but then I calmed down when I notice that Nayeon unnie seemed unfazed.

"Are you Miss Im?" He asked, he seemed a little stiff.

"Yes and she's a friend of mine, she'll be accompanying me inside." Says Nayeon unnie as she shows the officer her identification card. It's probably for security purposes. The police officer gave me this brief glance and then he nodded.

"Oh, god. Please say sike. Please say sike." Whisper, just enough so that Nayeon unnie would hear me. I guess it worked because she briefly glanced at me and smirked.

"It's going to be okay. Trust me." She softly assures me as we both were guided by the officer inside the famous Seodaemun Prison.


When we got inside, we had to go through a very tedious inspection. We needed to hand every sharp object we had on us and we also had to surrender our phone to the officers. They told us that we would get our stuff back later after the visit. Of course, we complied. I wanted to comply because I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The place gave me the creeps, it was old, people have died in there, and it was full high-profile cases. This meant the people inside this penitentiary are extra crazy. I personally think I'm experiencing too much craziness in my life so going here isn't necessary for me.

"You did this for what?" I ask her, we were both in this big room. The room was split in half by a wall installed in order to separate the inmates from the visitors. Attached to this wall are booths with phones that would let the visitors and inmates converse. There already were visitors aside from us. I could hear them talk but it's impossible to know to understand them without context.

"I need this." She replied without skipping a beat. I knew she was serious, so I just nod. The fact that Jung Minwoo is already in prison is still something that I cannot grasp. To me, it's still something I can't believe. The idea is still very much unreal to me even though it's almost already three weeks since he was caught. "Besides, when I asked you out, going here wasn't really in my head." She adds.

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