Chapter Eleven

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Natalia's P.O.V

It's been a month since I got here, the place is growing on me. Yesterday I went to the mall, did a little shopping. I watched a new movie at the cinema. At least that killed some time for me instead of being cooped up in this apartment alone.

After my appointment I found out that I was pregnant but it was too early. The doctor advised me to be more careful for the first eight weeks. That made Luis to move in with me, he wanted to be close. He moved into the other room, he never bothered me.

He'd go to work after checking up on me then call me every time he has a chance. When he came early from work he'd cook for us. Pity I couldn't eat all the time, the morning sickness didn't treat me well. I looked pale, thinner than normal. Thank God my dad never asked for a video call he would have noticed.

Speaking of my dad, he found out I paid for his hospital Bill. I had to say the company gave me advance for logistics. I'm not sure if he bought that but I'm happy I finally told him. My mom on the other hand would have given me advices about saving for the future.

Here I am spewing out my guts, I wasted a good meal. Luis ordered takeouts for me for lunch, since I couldn't do anything. I felt sick all morning, now I just ate pork ribs with fries. I can't believe I craved for that.

I cleaned myself up then went to drink some water. I might as well stick to my crackers, at least they won't come out. I went to the bedroom, took my vitamins, salty pretzels and a chocolate bar to bed. I ate while busy on my laptop, I skyped Jes.

"Hey you, I hope you're feeling better  than you look."

Smiling I said," They usually say pregnancy is not sickness, why do I feel like I'm not gonna make it. I drank lemon water it doesn't help, I took some tablets, they're useless."

"Hang in there sister, at least you won't be raising the kid. You'll forget about these days soon, I hear after first trimester you get a lot better."

"Can't wait for that." I said yawning.

"You better take a nap, you'll feel better when you wake up. Is Luis helping you though?"

"Yes" I said tired.

We hanged up and I closed my laptop,I  put it on the night stand then fell asleep.

We were in the dining area having dinner. Luis cooked a dry rice with vegetables chicken breasts. The food looked like it was for hospital patients. I forced myself to eat it, when I was done he gave me a glass of warm water. "What's this?"

"Glucose. I hear it's good, it keeps the food down. I guess." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

He's gone soft on me, he doesn't shout nor does he criticize these days. I took the glass and drank all that. I hope it works, I really don't wanna get sick again. I went to take a long bath, by the time I finished Luis was working. He normally went to bed late but he still has energy to get up early.

I went to the kitchen made us some tea, the gave him his while I took mine looking out of the window. I noticed he was not working anymore he was looking at me drinking his tea.

"I can leave if you're uncomfortable working while I'm here" I said.

"Nah, it's okay, I'll just finish up my tea first. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, the mixture you gave me seem to be helping."

He nodded, "I've been reading the pregnancy books. I didn't know if you'll wanna read that since-" he didn't finish that. Just like the wife issue, which gave me some idea.

"So is your wife ready for the baby? I mean since she'll be the mother. I don't mind her visiting and going to the doctor's appointments with us."

He looked nervous again." No. There's no need." He said getting up, he went to put his cup in the kitchen. "I better get to bed, sleep well." He said, taking his stuff going to the bedroom.

Some is strange every time I mention his wife he gets all moody. Maybe they separated because of me, that's why he moved in with me. Maybe they never discussed this surrogate thing.

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