But why would he be allying himself with Onyx? They were even worse than this company had been before River had taken over. They sent advanced weapon technology anywhere no matter who the client was, or how despicable their intentions were. An unfortunate accident befalling the president of hercompany had allowed her to swoop in just before Harper had managed to ascend. She could only imagine the damage he would have wreaked had he gained such power.

Shaking her head, she reached for the button that would patch her through to her secretary. After informing the woman to send in Mr. Smith, she opened her drawer and pulled out her liptstick. Not one to be caught unprepared, she fluffed her hair slightly (even though she knew it didn’t need it) and touched up the red on her lips. 


A steady sound filled the reception area as the man sitting in the plush leather chair drummed his fingers over the material. He was restless as he waited, fidgeting without trying to be obvious about it.

He wasn’t nervous. People always assumed you had to be nervous if you were fidgeting. Why couldn’t you just fidget without being subjected to such questions? He just didn’t like to sit still. He liked to be doingthings. He hated waiting. Some people spent their whole lives waiting. Waiting for what, he wondered?

He sighed explosively, running a hand through his floppy brown hair even as he checked the time on his other wrist. Ten minutes late. It was unlike River Song to be late. He could always trust her to be on time, whether it be jumping off a building or flinging herself out of a spaceship. She was never, ever late. Or was it him who was always on time to catch her? His brows drew together and he frowned at the conundrum. Was it him who was never late? Of course it was! Who was he kidding? He was a Time Lord. He arrived at the precise moment intended. He nodded to himself. Yes. That was right.

He had seen the seedy character coming out of River’s office only a few moments prior, and he wondered how long it would be until he got his turn. What was she doing in there? Didn’t she know she was late for an appointment? He decided that she was likely doing something with her hair. There had to be some kind of ritual she performed in order to get it like that. All those bouncing curls were impossible. One day, he would find the answer to its mystery and make sure that no one else found the secret. Only River was allowed to have all that hair. 

He wasn’t left waiting for too long as the secretary motioned to him silently. “You can go in,” she murmured when he came to the desk.

He nodded politely, reaching up to fiddle with his bow tie. His face fell as he remembered that he wasn’twearing a bow tie. His fingers smoothed instead over his very plain red tie as he made his way over to the office doors. Ties were decidedly less cool than bow ties, but he didn’t have much of a choice today.

He hadn’t been able to wear his signature tweed for this meeting, instead opting for a very sleek, very fitted three piece suit. The material was stiff and uncomfortable and he didn’t like it. His hand dropped from his tie as he slipped into River’s office.

He kept his guard up, not sure which River he was encountering. How old was she here? She couldn’t be too early in her timeline; otherwise she wouldn’t have the desire to take on something so ambitious. No, younger River had been very much focused on her studies, and he still admired that about her. His eyes found her immediately and his hearts leapt up in his throat at the sight of her. Oh, this was definitely an older River. This was a married River.

He raked his gaze over her unabashedly as she leaned back against her desk.  She was in all white except for the pointed black stilettos adorning her feet. He glimpsed red soles and metallic heels before caressing her lovely calves with his eyes. Her dress’ hem ended just above the knee and he was disappointed that his perusal of her bared skin had to come to an end.

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