Chapter 24 - The Lunch Trolley

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I didn't plan to sneak out.
It just happened.
To be fair, there is One week until the Sport Festival.
And I am not trained. I need the sponsors, the recognition.
I need everyone to see me. See what I can do. What I have overcome.
And I can't do that if I'm lying in a bed attached to machines. I need to train.
So I made the logical decision to call someone and explain it.
Katsuki exploded on the line. He blared through my phone, yelling about god-knows-what. I explained. Katsuki said he would be outside the hospital in an hour.
So being me, I did the best thing for my career.
Here I was, ready to tiptoe out of my room, bag slung over my shoulder.
"And I crashed into the cart."
"I saw" Todoroki replies. He looks at me unhappily, still holding my hand. I tried to explain my side of the story, while a nurse cleaned my cuts and looked over for any injury. Yes, I was stupid. And I regret it when Doctor Soba walks in, glaring at me.
To be honest, that's not fair. He knows that glaring makes me unnecessarily quiet.
And when I'm quiet, I don't get what I want.
That's when Zawa walks in. Eyeing Shouto on the bed, and then his grey eyes pierce my soul, even though you can barely see them through the bandages.
I wince as Bakugou storms in, faltering immediately as he sees a stoic Zawa.
"Give me a minute Katsuki," I mumble, releasing Shoutos hand from mine, "Shouto?"
"See you in a minute," Shouto smiled, the two of them leaving hurriedly, shooting worried glances at me sneakily. I turn my attention to Zawa.
He walks over calmly, sitting on the bed quietly.
A minute passes, although it feels like and eternity.
"Do you trust me?" Zawa asks, finally. I fidget with my hands.
"Yes." I whisper. I hear him breathe a sigh of relief.
"Why wasn't I allowed inside this room then?" He asks me again softly, not moving closer in case I was jumpy.
"I," I fumble around, looking for words, "I didn't want to make you worry excessively," I finish lamely. He mumbles something about 'what a load of bullshit' and I bite my lip anxiously.
"Hey." I look up to see Zawa's outstretched hand holding a tissue, "Don't do that, you will bleed." I take the tissue and dab my lips. Yep. Blood.
"Why were you sneaking out?" Zawa inquires.
"I need to train. I need to be strong so I can gain sponsors and other heroes can see my abilities. I need to be recognised. And not just as 'The Girl from The Asylum'! I want to be 'The Hero that Helps'! None of that can be achieved in a hospital bed!" I rant, standing up, pacing around.
"I've done all the theory, I know the school handbook off by heart and I could easily recite scores from every contestant from last years sports festival! I've done it all - Except I'm not trained or in shape to compete. I've worked hard. I deserve this." I finish, staring at Zawa.
He sighs, annoyed. Zawa lays a hand on my shoulder awkwardly.
"You were being discharged tomorrow. Yet I'm not so sure now, as you contacted someone to help you leave." He explains grimly. My jaw drops.
"Who told you?" I demand, furious.
"Midoriya. Apparently his Mother was gossiping with Mrs Bakugou and Mrs Midoriya told her Son."
Zawa smiles softly. "You've made some friends this year." I look up at him wearily.
His smile changes to an evil smirk.
"If they get too intense......"
"Oh. Ew. No. Dad." I say, lying expertly, "They are just close friends..."
He guffaws at me, grabbing my bad from the bedside.
"Let's go then."
"Checkup in a week please Y/N," Soba calls from the corner.
Crap. Forgot he was here.

Katsuki's POV

What the hell.
I knew she hated hospitals. She called me, explaining how she got there.
"Why are you afraid of them so much?"
"I had a bad past, Katsuki. But the pain produced power."

So, Naturally, I get away from the old hag to go see Y/N.
Cute Y/N.
I didn't understand at first why I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Then the old hag said I had a crush.
That is not possible.
I can't be in love. Love isn't a thing - it doesn't exist.
Then it did.
Dumb Icyhot was kneeling beside her while she-

Y/N was injured, a gash on her arm and head, in a hospital gown.
Was she sick? Is she ok? All I could do is think about her, she filled my head with inescapable thoughts.
I realised love exists.
And I'm fighting Deku and Icyhot for it.

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