Chapter 32 - Internship

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"Clothes, Toiletries, shoes-"
"Yes," I smile up at Zawa. "All Packed."
Zawa clears his throat roughly, I can almost see his brain searching for a problem.
"It's fine." Honestly I'm okay, it's all okay," I reassure him for the millionth time. I zip up my new (and handy) stay over bag, carrying all the stuff I need for my internship with Thirteen.
Let's do this!
Today Zawa, Echo and I drive to school, instead of using my quirk.
"We can't be late today, we don't want a 'Chicago Incident' today." Zawa had warned me, referring to the time I teleported Echo to Chicago, instead of school. After a brief moment of shock, a few minutes of focusing, Echo appeared beside me with a Chicago Baseball hat and a half eaten hotdog.
I was glad to avoid space-time manipulation, or teleportation, as I was already exhausted from a late afternoon workout and early morning yoga practice with Mina. She called me when I was sleeping, a hell of an alarm clock that girl is.
After our Skype meeting, Mina rambled on until I was told to log off by a disgruntled Zawa, who wasn't happy about my upcoming absence.
Echo, however, wasn't so happy when I was around, and would relish the time I wasn't present.
I look at Zawa, trying to read him. His dark eyes and bags underneath in a matching shade indicate stress. As usual. Echo hisses at my attempt to pet her, and I hiss back, earning a warning  look from Zawa. I smile at him meekly, as we make our way to the train station where we will meet Class 1A.
I saw Momo and Jirou first, sitting together on a bench. Their hands unravel themselves as I approach, and I smile in response.
"Good Morning," I greet them, and we continue to chat about our various Internships.
It is an unspoken rule to not push Jirou or Momo about their relationship. We all know (Class  1A) That both girls are interested in each other but neither think the other feel the same way. Clueless lovebirds...
Talking bout love, I had an awkward conversation with Midnight last week, about protection when around boys in...situations.
Funnily enough, the same afternoon Aizawa was lecturing Shoto, Bakugou and Deku on Harassment. All three were cherry faced and I haven't had time to ask what the talk was all about, and I probably won't until after the internship.
When I asked Zawa, he winked at me. Typical.
Maybe they were in trouble? I'm clueless here!
"Y'N Channnnnnnnn!" Mina squeals, tumbling onto me excitedly, her hero costume case bouncing around on the concrete floor behind her.
"Morning Mina!" I laugh, Jirou and Momo also bursting into fits of giggles.
"OhmygoshImsoexcitedicoyldntsleepandicantbelievethisisactuallyhappeningimsoexcitedareyouexcited" Mina finished excitedly, bouncing around like a poodle on steroids.
A cute poodle, just very energetic.
"Hey ladies!" Ochacho sauntered over, Tsu smiling calmly beside her.
"Hey Ocha, Tsu," I greet them politely, taking notice of Ochacos' red rimmed eyes that hide behind a thin line of Mascara.
"Y/N" a deep voice whispers into my ear, the hot breath lingering around my ear.
I turn to see Bakugou, well, I turn into Bakugou, who apparently thought it was a smart idea to stand right behind me, like the brick wall he is.
Not my fault I'm 4'9.
"Bakugou." I glare into his smirking eyes, and with as much venom I can muster, "What the hell." The bastard only smirks and winks at the girls behind me.
"Mind if I borrow Y/N?" He grins, slinging his arm around my shoulder awkwardly.
"Are you trying to rub in the fact that I'm short?" And curvy. Fuck body stereotypes. Flab is cute.
Bakugou laughs, removing his arm from my shoulders. "I'm sending a message, but not the one that states your height."
I stop walking, "A message?" I ask, confused. Why are men like this?
"Yeah." He shoves his spare hand into his pocket, and we continue to walk towards the cluster of students around my adopted father. The girls were there too, shooting questioning looks at the two of us.
"Where are you interning again?" I ask Bakugou, knowing the answer, but trying to avoid the awkwardness.
"Best Jeanist, You?" Ah, Also avoiding the awkward aura that has dragged us down to the ocean floor, tidal wave style.
"Thirteen," I say happily, awaiting the possible scenarios that could await me interning under Her.
Bakugou chuckles, and mumbles something under his breath before striding over to Kirishima.
"Listen up class." Aizawa commands, silence sweeping over the class instantaneously. "Best Behaviour. No broken bones, dead bodies or complaints about disobedient students. This is a huge opportunity, to intern under some of the finest heroes, so please don't cause any trouble." Aizawa glares at a couple of students before ignoring my very questioning look.
After a few excited shouts, the Class disbanded to go to the seperate platforms and catch their trains.
"Bye Zawa." I stand beside him awkwardly. "Not going to hug me kiddo?" He responds gruffly, as I wrap my arms around his slender figure.
"I'll call you later!" I smile, and skip off to my platform.

"Welcome Y/N!" Thirteen cheered, pulling me into a squishy hug, and I hug back just as tight.
"Hi Thirteen!" I smile excitedly, "thanks for having me!"
Thirteen throws her head back and laughs, "I'm so glad you came! Out of all the offers - you chose Me!" She released me from her embrace, standing proudly in front of me.
"Today we'll start with unpacking, then some lunch, an introduction training and then dinner, sound good Y/N?" She asks, and I nod vigorously.
I've been to Thirteens house before, when I was 10. Zawa needed a babysitter, and Hizashi wasn't available. A humble home, warm and cheery, bright knitted throw rugs, mismatched furniture and original artworks done by Her many admirers. I turn to see the very same drawing 8 year old hospital-bound  me had done, framed on her mantlepiece.
"You'll be sleeping in the guest room down the hall." Thirteen shakes me from my thoughts with her enthusiastic announcement, "The bathroom is communal, so please keep it tidy. Also, I was thinking takeaway tonight?" She states the last bit firmly.
She really wants that takeaway.
I step into my temporary sleeping quarters and smile. The room was small, a single bed squished into the far corner, a window glaring rays of mid day sun sitting adjacent to the bed, and to top it off, a large rainbow rug covering most of the floorboards, so the cold timber is heated with a soft blanket.
"It's perfect." I stand in awe, suddenly ashamed of my cold, plain room that has enough room to fit this little one in at least 3 times.
Maybe Zawa can help me get a rug like this one I think, as my calloused feet brush against the soft material, and I make my way to the bed to unpack my belongings.
After I unpacked, Thirteen and I made our way back to the USJ on foot, stopping to eat lunch at a small cafe. We then trained, well, Thirteen talked about landslides, and I took notes; leading into a fun hands on lesson that included retrieving mannequins from landslide wreckage.
It was awesome.
After our fun little activity, Thirteen thought it was best to order food and have it dropped off to her house.
"I'm just too tired to cook," Her reasoning was, "Like every other night."

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